
Tired of Windows. Need an Idea!

Started by April 08, 2008 02:46 PM
11 comments, last by klems 16 years, 5 months ago
I'd suggest you give OpenSUSE or the latest Fedora (8, I think, and 9 should be just around the corner) a try. Ubuntu tries hard to be user friendly, and a distro for the "typical" user, but fails in every way conceivable. It's not stable, it's not easy to use, it can't be easily upgraded without breaking (not even from 6.10 to 7.04,) every new release tends to have serious regression problems, the team doesn't respond to bug reports in a timely manner (a trivial endian-related bug that made WPA useless on PowerPC machines persisted from 5.04 until the PPC port was officially dropped, for example) and it's really bloated.

I constantly hear about people who try Ubuntu with the impression that it's a mature and stable desktop system, and every single one of them go back to Windows, unless they've already made up their mind to stick with Linux no matter what. I've never heard of a single such case with OpenSUSE or Fedora though. People touting Ubuntu as the best the Linux community has to offer is probably a good reason why Linux is having trouble gaining ground on the desktop.

As for the IDE, go for Code::Blocks if you're going to do C/C++. It's the best free one there is, without any serious competition.
First I don't torrent.
Second, the reason why I had caught my one problem was some virus that was transfered from file transfer from an already virus PC that I was fixing. Yes in the aspect I was being stupid.

Third, I shall continue to run windows, however, I would like to run Ubuntu 8.04? and was wondering how could I install Ubuntu 8.04? on my already Windows XP laptop that is already partitioned?

I would like to partition unpartitioned space and install a fresh copy of Ubuntu to mess around with, um... any ideas?

p.s. I enjoyed the insinuations on what I was doing on my laptop, and lol on the kid who threw my game engine in quotes. I actually have a goal for this game engine it's a 2d game engine, and I don't believe I'm trying to work on any project that is way over my head.

Thanks! ;)
Quote: Original post by aleisterbukowski
Third, I shall continue to run windows, however, I would like to run Ubuntu 8.04? and was wondering how could I install Ubuntu 8.04? on my already Windows XP laptop that is already partitioned?
Wubi would probably be the easiest way, though I've never done it myself, so I can't vouch for how well (or even if) it works.

Otherwise, you'll have to shrink a partition to make room for Ubuntu. Defrag the partition you intend to shrink, then just boot from the Ubuntu CD. You can repartition safely from within the installer.

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