
01.05 - GamDev Chit-Chat

Started by May 22, 2001 11:45 AM
32 comments, last by Teej 22 years, 2 months ago
I''ve been unable to download the file needed to these projects too. I''ve tried to email Teej to no avail (his email account with gdnet is innactive), and he hasn''t replied to my ICQ

Is this series still current? It looks like people are still posting to these forums.

Perhaps someone could host the necessary files on a server that actually works?


To the Anon with the _IID errors: You should include dxguid.lib in your project settings (the same place where you included ddraw.lib...)
"It's strange, isn't it? You stand in the middle of a library and go 'AAAAAAAGGHHHH' and everyone just stares at you. But you do the same thing on an airplane, and everyone joins in!"
quote: Original post by asylum101
has everyone in here died
seriously though i havent seen a new post in days wake up people and smell the code/coffie =D

nothing to add.

I am what I am, more or less
and my site rocks
I think
I am what I am, more or less :)and my site think
Yo teej, i love the site and all, great job! But i got a problem. I read through all of step 2 and still, i can''t go any firther. I fiured in order to go any firther, i have to get everythink in the current area stright down pat (or hatever you "adults" say.) I post a question on a page, but since i started looking through this site a little later than everybody else, it never gets read cause its on the back pages. And i''m stumped. So confused. Pleez take a little out of yur day to visit a few of the back and middle pages instead of just looking through the front 2 or 3. Thank you and i hope to see the answers to my questions.

Only the eyes of a true player will see what realy beholds the game. Only the eyes of a true player may see the pixels and nothing else. Only the eyes of the true player can see the game, feel the game, be the game. I am a true player. Are you?
Only the eyes of a true player will see what realy beholds the game. Only the eyes of a true player may see the pixels and nothing else. Only the eyes of the true player can see the game, feel the game, be the game. I am a true player. Are you?

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