KICKING IDEA! 11-18 team members

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-1 comments, last by No_Remorse 22 years, 11 months ago
Yeah, I don''t like cross-posting either, but I want to get this new project recognized. Hi everyone, I''m trying to put together a team consisting of programmers, artists, musicians and designers aged 11-18. The point is to gain as much experience in as many genres of games as possible, so when we get older, we may be able to get jobs in the industry. Some may claim I''m ripping off ads12 and maneesh, but I''m not. As ads12 never showed up again, and maneesh tryed to rip my team, I''m posting this call for team members. There''ll be no pay, but a load of experience, fun and new friends. And, the more the merrier, as many hands make light work. There will be 3 projects underway at any one time, and will something like this: The team will be split into three sections: -- Advanced Team - This will consist of the senior members, and advanced level people in the team. They will be working on the tougher project such as a RTS and RPG. Advanced Team Members will take turns helping the Intermediates and Beginners. This section of the team will be like the best of the best, and needs the best, so hop to it! -- Intermediate Team - This will consist of the members who have advanced past Pong, Tetris and Asteroids, and are ready for new challanges, but aren''t up to the Advanced Stage. They will have a project of their own, maybe a small adventure game or something. The Advanced Team will help out the Intermediate Team when they need it, and there will ALWAYS be at LEAST 1 Advanced Team Member on hand to give advice and show the Intermediates how to do things. -- Beginners Team - This will consist of first-timers and people who get stuck easily where they try to make their first few games. They will have a project like a Pac-Man, Tetris or Space Invaders clone. At the moment we have three members, and we need people to fill these postitions. -- Artists - 2D and 3D artists are needed. Hopefully you''ll develop your skills as time progresses, and will learn new programs to hone your artistic skills. You must know and own at least one art program. -- Programmers - Must know at least one language. Experience is a REAL PLUS! If you know more than one language, its a plus again. -- Musicians - Must know how to port sound effects and music to the computer, and must know at least one instrument. -- Designers - Must know how to create design documents, but if not, you will be shown how. Experience is a plus, and you''ll get plenty more as time goes on. -- Webmasters - Must have made at least one page previously, and must know how to use a page-editor such as PageMill or CoolPage. HTML knowledge is a real plus, and experience is good too. Our team is not named as of yet, but we''ll have a name soon! Send all inquiries and applications to: Send an application with a sample of work or proof of work. Include a bit about yourself, like name, age etc. Also say what group you think you would be best for, and why. Once we have evaluated you, you will be assigned to a group, depending on your skill. Positions are open for Advanced Team Leader and Beginner Team Leader, and each team will need one/two webmasters. There are many places to be filled, so get typing! I''m not good enough to fill the boots of the Advanced Team Leader, but I am the Intermediate Team Leader, and Co-Founder. This idea promises to rock, so hit me back! Warren RAC Intermediate Team Leader and Co-Founder email : I just thought I should give a little info on myself. I''m 14, from England, I''m Anglo-Saxon, male, I am into football, TV and most of all, game making! Whoohoo! heheh. I think that this idea can really pan out into something good! I think I''m on the track at last! This is a call to all serious people! Oh, and btw, you don''t have to be any certain age to join, but its primarily for us kids to get experience from, but if theres anyone else who wants to, join us aswell! Warren RAC Intermediate Team Leader and Co-Founder
I have no remorse for my actions, none whatsoever. If you don''t like it, you can go to f***.

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