
Lightmap baking made easy

Started by January 15, 2009 10:33 AM
2 comments, last by Stardog 16 years ago
Hello, 3d-io recently created another interesting plugin: Flatiron! With Flatiron it's possible to bake lightmaps easily with optimally packed texture coords. The best thing about it: one doesn't have to attach all meshes in the scene just to be able to bake one big lightmap. Also available right now for testing is Packer: With Packer, you don't have to arrange the chunks of your texture anymore, because it packs those for you in the best way possible (as it seems). I would love to hear how people here handle their lightmaps ... Last time I did them (for some hobby project) I changed my level in such way it consisted of six big meshes, all with their own lightmaps. I suppose that wasn't very good for performance, but didn't know any other way. Regards, Friedrich, 3d-io [Edited by - 3d-io on January 16, 2009 2:36:30 AM]
Those look like really good plugins!
Calculating shadowmaps for an entire scene in 3DSMAX is quite cumbersome, if I recall correctly ... so this should be a blessing! :)
"Game Maker For Life, probably never professional thou." =)
We used Rendertotexture for a while but it has some problems and the support was hopeless.
I'm not sure if this is of use to you, but this is free:

Screenshots (only the first two are from the new version which has Ambient Occlusion):⊂=screenshots

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