Original post by Codeka
I don't think this is all that big news. In fact, I was father dissappointed when they said "we are going back to the basics and completely redesigning the underlying security architecture of the OS" and then in the very next paragraph, "the software architecture is simple — Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel"
So basically, all they've done is they've replaced X Windows. Not that that is a bad thing, X Windows is a horrible piece of architecture and in major need of replacement, but to say it's a whole new OS with a completely redesigned "underlying security architecture" is a bit of a stretch.
Hypothetically, if Google did redesign the security architecture by modifying the Linux kernel, it would still be a "Linux kernel" - no?. Either way, I am interested if they have come up with any nice ideas in this regard, maybe more sandboxing like they did with Chrome.
Other than that, I don't really see it as very exciting. It appears to be yet another Linux distro, just this time with Google's name on it. I do hope they do it well though, it could be interesting.