
[UFEC] The Lost City

Started by November 17, 2009 05:28 PM
-1 comments, last by Vilem Otte 14 years, 10 months ago
Title: The Lost City Platforms: PC Technology: Otte Engine: Iceberg Lake release Genre: Adventure/FPS/RPG Type: 3D First person perspective singleplayer game As I wrote into topic about screenshots I'm about to join UFEC as soon as I find some free time in my life, and now I found it. I decided to do this game as small project on my own engine (and its current release - eh... current, now in debugging phase), to test how is to create game under it (of course with all its features). Anyway to the game, the game concept and design is still work-in-progress - but basics are complete, the game will be adventure with rpg features, where you will probably shoot (or throw, or wield) with many different things. Of course game will stick to all the elements: Fire - of course it will be used to burn things, and also in interiors it will add smoke into air (so you can die of suffocation) and heat on sorrounding objects. Water - of course can extinguish fire, but also it can flood whole room and you can drown yourself. Evolution - as for RPG features you will "evolve" yourself, and also enemies will evolve (I found really nasty kind of enemy, that perfectly suits this ... now I need some cool graphical effect for its evolution). Procreation - as for mentioned enemy it also perfectly suits this point (kind of perfect enemy ... huh, now I need to think of things how to kill 'em). Base storyline (just basics, not details) is pretty much completed right now, I hope to finish design in next 2 - 3 weeks, so I can do some art work then (e.g. graphics, audio, etc.), and then putting the game together. I hope to have it completed on time. Also as this project is based upon my new (still not absolutely debugged engine), the whole process of this game development will be documented (for future users of my engine), and I hope it will also make decent demo of my engine. A little about technology - whole engine is based upon hybrid rendering system, that uses OpenGL and something called by me ForgottenLIB ray tracer (I'm not saying that it won't be just real time ray tracer in future ... but lets give this future some time), nowadays it can use Havok for physics simulation (plus some hand written simulations on GPU, but it was firstly designed for PhysX, with some copy/paste it could also use it again ... but it won't) and OpenAL as an audio library. I'm also about to launch new up-to-date website about this engine (with possiblity of licensing in future).

My current blog on programming, linux and stuff -

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