Quote: Original post by AmeiseQuote: Original post by PrefectQuote: Original post by Ameise
Err... what? What does anything in this thread have to do with a monarchy?
The complaint is that the current regime has difficulty coping with problems which is leading to poor decision-making and bad policy overall. The current leadership has very little reason to do a 'good job' -- they can be voted out for very little reason, and it's often easier to quickly extort a lot of money and then be voted out than do actually do your job well to not be voted out.
Monarchs have a good reason to do a good job because it's "their country"... and they lend a stability not seen in other system as a guiding hand -- it's unlikely that one day the monarch is a liberal and then the next is a conservative. You will get set ideals from the onset, and hopefully laws and policy will follow suit. Good chance many of Germany's problems in the last 20 years could have been avoided if George Friedrich was the Kaiser :)
You're espousing the "monarchy as a solution to the renter problem of democracy" as developed by Hans Hoppe in "Democracy, The God that Failed."
It's a very interesting theory and quite reasonable despite the implications, however, it's quite a bit off topic for what we're discussing.
To try and tie it together, are you saying that you believe the EU would be better served if Germany did consolidate its position as hegemon? And if so, is it fair to say this would lead to a new German Kaiserreich?