
Linux IDE's / Editors

Started by December 02, 1999 08:30 PM
3 comments, last by D 24 years, 10 months ago
I've been asking myself the same question. I don't run xwindows, so I can't comment on anything available in that environment. I've heard many good things about emacs, yet I haven't tried it yet. I am currently using a little console based editor named jered. It's got some basic features (block copy, search and replace, multiple open files) and does syntax highlighting for c/c++ (at least).

I'm not terribly happy with it, I suppose Textpad 4.0 has got me spoiled. But jered is easier to use than vi, at least in my opinion.

If you find a better console based ide/editor (or have any sucsess with emacs) let me know.

- g

You can always try Code Warrior. It can be downloaded, though not sure from where. Do a search on excite or tucows to find it. I also know that RedHat and SuSE ship versions of Linux with Code Warrior bundled in it. You could check your local store for a version there as well.

The only other editor I know about is CoolEdit. CoolEdit works with CVS and is a windows based editor with code features like syntax highlighting and such. You might also want to search for it.

When in doubt though, use three xterms. One for gdb, one for vi/emacs/editor, and one for testing. I seem to enjoy it that way the most.

We don't neeed no stinkin' IDE. *argh* *kidding*

Derek Licciardi (Kressilac)Elysian Productions Inc.
I recommend Code Crusader
Hi, I am sortof new to linux, and I was wondering if there are any existing IDE's or Editors for Linux which are very good, if not then I'll probably start programming one. Any ideas or comments are welcome

I don't want to start a flamewar I just want to know if people like using the existing editors / IDE's for Linux...

Visit -

Daemin(Dominik Grabiec)
here's a great one:

it resembles Visual C++ and there's an addon that lets you debug inside the IDE


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