
Programmer Portfolio?

Started by February 07, 2011 01:18 AM
1 comment, last by yaustar 13 years, 7 months ago
Hey guys, I've read some articles on what to add in a game programmers portfolio. One thing I notice is some say to add a list of all the games you've played. Is that really a good idea? Do people really want to see a list of your played games or will you just look silly if you add this?

Also, does anyone know of a good game programmer portfolio guide? I tried looking around on this forum and some other sites.

Thanks. :lol:
All the games you've played? I have no idea how many A4 sheets of paper that would fill!
If you're doing a CV with a 'hobbies' section, then people sometimes list the games they're currently playing, or their favourite games, but not all of the ones you've ever played.

I usually just include a short listing of projects I've worked on, and one sample program demonstrating something specific to the job and well-written source code.

And listing games you have played, no I wouldn't suggest it be in a portfolio or even a CV.

Steven Yau
[Blog] [Portfolio]

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