
Programming Lifestory Anyone?

Started by March 15, 2011 01:07 PM
7 comments, last by Bladelock 13 years, 6 months ago
Hi guys! I'm a really novice programmer. I always wanted to make a game w/ programming.

However, i need inspiration and some advice since i don't exactly have a formal mentor rearing me to the right path

so can anyone tell me their story on how they started programming as beginners to pros suddenly making games with awesome graphics and stuff?
what did you guys have to go through to gain such proficiency? where did you go for help? how did you ascend from being a novice coder?
and what advice can you give a beginner like me?

i just need some words of wisdom from the community. Thanks!

what did you guys have to go through to gain such proficiency?

where did you go for help?[/quote]Books and magazines. There was no internet.

how did you ascend from being a novice coder?[/quote]Practice.

and what advice can you give a beginner like me?[/quote]Practice.
Pretty much what the person before me said :) Best way to learn is focus on one thing - be it C++, C# or any other language, gather up some tutorials on making games and start dabbling in the code. There is no shortcut to wisdom - you can't simulate or cheat experience.

One vital rule tho - don't quit. It might be hard, it might be boring, whatever - you chose that path for a reason, so stick to it. Unless it's a fancy that just came and went and you don't "feel it's right" for you. I've decided to quit on programming coz it didn't feel good for me - I like maths and I can do some basic C++, but that just wasn't me. I prefer to write, design, manage, think out all the details rather than carry them out - and it works for me well, I'm happy with it :)

GL with your journey, fingers crossed! :D
Disclaimer: Each my post is intended as an attempt of helping and/or brining some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone, unless stated otherwise

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Check my profile for funny D&D/WH FRP quotes :)

Pretty much what the person before me said :) Best way to learn is focus on one thing - be it C++, C# or any other language, gather up some tutorials on making games and start dabbling in the code. There is no shortcut to wisdom - you can't simulate or cheat experience.

I think one thing that definitely separates skill levels is having that drive to not just want to find something that works, but know why that thing works at at least a summary level.

[quote name='Zethariel' timestamp='1300203650' post='4786057']
Pretty much what the person before me said :) Best way to learn is focus on one thing - be it C++, C# or any other language, gather up some tutorials on making games and start dabbling in the code. There is no shortcut to wisdom - you can't simulate or cheat experience.

I think one thing that definitely separates skill levels is having that drive to not just want to find something that works, but know why that thing works at at least a summary level.

Agreed! That's the stuff I couldn't explain to myself at the time - several years ago, when the internets wasn't so broad and knowledge was stored on paper I couldn't find any aids, not in the vicinity at least. Tought luck. But I don't regret being right here right now either :D
Disclaimer: Each my post is intended as an attempt of helping and/or brining some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone, unless stated otherwise

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Check my profile for funny D&D/WH FRP quotes :)
[color=#1C2837][size=2]how they started programming as beginners to pros suddenly making games with awesome graphics and stuff[/quote]
[color=#1C2837][size=2]There are two different people mentioned.

[color=#1C2837][size=2]Most professionals are mainstream pretty good programmers. They are not the ones who produce the "awesome graphics".

[color=#1C2837][size=2]Those people are the exceptions.



I think of it is the ability and desire to tinker.

The big difference I see between adequate vs awesome is that they tinker. A lot.

A non-programming example is in order.

Most kids get the old Mr Potato Head toy, and try various eyes in the eye holes, various feet in the feet slot, etc. They are not tinkers.
A few kids will insert random parts at random locations. They move different eyes, sometimes making 4 arms or 4 eyes. They could be average tinkers.
The tinkers will modify the core body, discovering how an upside-down MPH can be constructed to have a hunched back or giant brain. They are the awesome tinkers.

Another non-programming example.

Most kids with a box of crayons and a line drawing of a vase and flower will color it.
A few kids will draw extra flowers, or add a few new features to the drawing.
The tinkers will convert the flower vase into a mansion, convert the flower into a fountain coming out of the jetted pool, and produce something radically different from the rest of the class.

You can teach non-tinkers some theory about how to do it, and they can brainstorm and produce mediocre results.
You can ignore the tinkers and they will do it themselves, and left alone they can still produce amazing results.
While you can nurture the tinker ability if you have it, it is generally either something you do or do not have. It is not something that is easily taught.
Now this is a story
all about how my life
got twisted upside down
and I'd like to take a minute
just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the programmer
of a language called Basic

In East New Jersey
born and raised
on the playground where I spent
most of my days
chilling out, maxing
and relaxing all cool
and all solving some math
outside of school
when a couple of guys
they were up to no good
started making trouble in my computer class
I got in one little battle and my mom got scared
she said your moving
and not bringing your Altair

I whisted for a cab and when it came near
the license plate said Roberts
and had dice in the mirror
if anything I could say that this cab was rare
but i thought nah, forget it
yo bring me to an Altair

I-pulled-up to a house about seven or eight
I yelled to the cabbie yo home, smell you later
looked at my kingdom I was finally there
to sit on my throne where I had an Altair

on the playground my momma said
most of my days

this killed it.
Thank you guys! I'm inspired again.

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