
Feed back on the "history" of my (theoretical) game world

Started by March 18, 2011 06:10 AM
0 comments, last by MeshGearFox 13 years, 6 months ago
I have made a post in the Game Design forum with an idea I had for a theoretical (meaning that it'll never come to bear fruit). The game is a "Monster capture and fighting" game. I've made up a general history of the world the game takes place. I'm not the most creative guy in the world, and I'm not a good writer, unfortunately. But I gave it a try. I know that it's lacking, and there are probably bits where I could have been more creative, so I would appreciate any feedback you guys could give on my idea.

I know that this game idea will never got anywhere, but it's something fun to do. So if you have the time, please give a bit of feedback.

Keep in mind that this is just the "general" history, meaning it doesn't go into to great of detail. After I get this solid, I'll start working on the story for the time that the game actually takes place.

Thanks in advance. Here is what I've got: (Also, I know there are typo's and a few instances where I typed a word that I didn't mean, such as typing 'the' instead of 'that', but please put up with >< if it's to annoying for you guys, I can go back and edit it all more thoroughly/)


The game takes place in a World set far into the future. The basics of the story is that a new type of biological weapon was developed by the United States in secret, and was stolen by a group of terrorist who originated from the UK. They never intended to use it, but accidently unleashed its power.

Unfortunately for everyone, the scientist that created the weapon had no idea of its true power (as it was still in testing/experimentation) and the effects effectively destroyed most of the world and caused severe mutations in most of the living creatures that were left. The mutations were so great, things that were never thought possible started to happen in the originisms that were affected.

Humans only survived in very remote, extreme places. For hundreds of years after the accident, humans were relatively isolated, which allowed the humans numbers to rise at a steady, but slow pace. This also allowed for the mutations to breed and refine themselves. Over the years, they went through a process of rapid evolution and went from creatures who could barely last a year and were in near constant pain, into "monsters" with amazing abilities and vitality.

At first, humans kept some of the more docile monsters much like the animals of the old world were kept. As farm animals and pets. Sometimes they were used to fight or guard. This was extremely hard to do and required very skilled people who could train the monsters to obey the humans.

As the human population started to grow, the tiny communities and villages that were what was left of the human race began to grow, trading with each other, merging with each other, or even sometimes fighting with each other. Monsters played a huge part in this fighting, as the technology for guns was still lost to the humans, and a monster that could spew acid, or run at near impossible to see speeds were very effective weapons.

Technology advanced relatively fast, due to the finding of old technology. The humans effectively experienced all of its stages again. A stone age, a bronze age, iron, Industrial revolution, basic radio broadcast, and even something resembling television.

Then, the holy grail of old technology was found. A vault containing experimental technologies was discovered. Along with computers, medicines, massive databases of knowledge, one of the things found was the Digital Storage Device. After a near decade of research and testing, the functions of the DSD were finally discovered. Using a very advanced "scanner" of sorts, it was able to completely understand the atomic make-up of anything, even living things such as plants and animals.

It then used a laser to transform and store all of what it had scanned. The "data" of what it had stored would stay in it until it was "reconstructed" using the laser again. Essentially it was a scanner and printer.

It took another decade of research and development to fully reverse engineer the DSD and make it possible to mass produce it. The other technologies found in the vault made the task possible.

The DSD was a commonly used to store personal belongings, which required relatively little memory space, for years. People had experimented with storing organic matter and living creatures, but anything more than a small bug would come out dead or "Half-printed" when they were reconstructed. It was determined that the cause of this was the lack of enough memory in the DSD.

The idea of making a memory modules to expand the memory of the DSD was toyed with for decades before anyone made a successful attempt. DSD Technologies successfully developed memory chips that could be inserted into the DSD's expansion port and provide enough memory to contain and reconstruct most living things. All but the biggest and most complex of monsters and humans.

DSD and related technologies continued to develope, and a growing trend of capturing, keeping, and training monsters for multiple uses began to rise. Since most everyone had a DSD, almost everyone had at least on monster in their possession. It essentially became a tradition that was shared with most of the world (that has now reached a reasonable population. Approx 2.3 billion.) to keep and train monsters.

Usually the monsters would be used to help in labor, or house-hold chores, or just to keep as company. Because monsters were usually kept for non-violent reasons, monsters were usually of a non-violent type that had little-to-no fighting ability, compared to some of the wild monsters that lived outside of the havens the humans had created to keep themselves safe.

That is, until the hobby of capturing and taiming dangerous monsters for the purpose of fighting started to gain popularity among young men.

This was both bad and good for the monsters. It was bad because they were made to fight each other, but it was also good because the understanding of how monsters "worked" was grealty advanced, due to the need of more effective treatment and medicine for monsters that had been injured in battle. Which meant that monsters were now more greatly cared for. Almost to the point that humans cared for themselves, in some cases.

It was around the time that fighting monsters became popular factions began to form and war became more frequent. Eventually the First Monster War happened. A massive war were monsters were the main weapon. DSD technologies for capturing and training monsters sored in advancement during this war. At the end of the war, two factions were left, both made up of smaller factions who shared similar feelings and ideals.
For close to two decades, these two factions were locked in a cold war. During this "cold war", were no actual fighting happened, yet even the slightest mess-up could launch both nations into a frenzy of fighting.

Unfortunately, someone did mess up, causing a misunderstanding that launched the factions back into a massive war for control over all habital land on the planet.

The Second Monster War had began.

And this is the time that the game would take place, during the Second Monster War.
Wait isn't this the same exact backstory as Harvest Moon?

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