
Frustrated with Stubborn Game School

Started by April 08, 2011 02:56 AM
33 comments, last by zbell91 13 years, 5 months ago

When it really comes down to it, they want to see your work. If you want to break into the gaming industry most of the AAA industries require C++ not Java, not AS3, etc... They don't say show me your examples made in Unity3D or UDK, those are just bonus knowledge they would like to see. But at the same time if you don't want to limit yourself to one market it is best to learn more. There are going to be more software jobs available than gaming jobs, also gaming companies don't just hire because they have a position open. Bungie has had the same positions (with an exception of a few) listed for hiring for over 8 months now. Economy is making companies be a little more picky then they probably would normally or they just can afford to be this picky, either way. Although I think a CS degree is looked at as more prestigious, a good gaming college is Digipen. Also did you make sure Devry was an accredited school before attending, that is an important feature.

In the end job source is important, for 4 months I have been applying at jobs via 3rd party sites and some straight off there company website, I have gotten zero responses. I paid a fee to be apart of the job posting board at a university near me, since I am not a student I had to pay. It hasn't even been a week and I have heard back from 3 of the 25 companies I applied at. One wanted me to solve a programming problem in my most comfortable language, the other needs me to be a student still, which I can take a course and than they will call me in for an interview. The last one is for a company building designing software and they requested to see a few coding samples of mine. I have a Bachelor of Science Game Software Development degree from an accredited school, the market is highly competitive to begin with having zero experience makes it that much harder. Those are my 2 cents, and coming from someone with a specified degree. More and more schools are offering a specified degree such as Software or Game development it is only a matter of time they are going to want someone who has focused skills more than someone with a general computer knowledge degree. I don't know about Devry but my school degree was a well rounded degree, with many off topic classes, but useful in the job market.

EDIT** Also I know it might be hard to pull off, but look into internships while you are still in school. Get that experience under your belt before school is done with. It will be that much easier in the end. That was my biggest mistake I find that internships want you to be still attending school and I am all done.

Yes, DeVry is an accredited school, but I still believe that it isn't looked upon like normal Universities and CS degrees. Anyway, I am looking into getting an internship as soon as I can. Most of the internships in my area require that I am in school and that I have a year of experience with C++. I actually only have six months (ish) experience even though I'm about a year through the program. So as soon as I hit that one year mark, or as soon as I feel confident that I would be at the level of a programmer with a year of experience, I will be applying for those. Microsoft is close to my place and has a software engineer internship thats focus is programming, for example.

I'm unsure about whether or not I'll dive into other languages at this time. I am using C# for my Unity project, but that is mostly scripting. I suppose that counts though. I also looked into ActionScript this morning and it seems easy enough.

Yes, DeVry is an accredited school, but I still believe that it isn't looked upon like normal Universities and CS degrees.

Be VERY careful with that reasoning.

There is a good reason DeVry and other trade schools are often frowned upon. Most of the schools are accredited for trade degrees, not degrees in Computer Science.

Bachelor in Simulation Programming != Bachelor in Computer Science.

Some of the school campuses are certified for traditional Computer Science, but you wrote that your degree is in simulations programming.

In an effort to get you through the program quickly, many of the schools will omit years of important but less glamorous topics. They may drop math classes like discrete mathematics or statistics because students don't like math. Sometimes they drop theory classes that students don't like such as in-depth courses on compiler theory, complexity theory, and computational theory. Or they'll drop seemingly non-game topics like database programming, software security, and OS internals. Frequently they will drop non-programming courses like technical writing or business communications. Sometimes the topics are studied at a surface level where a single class will combine what should be three or four separate courses. These topics are still important in games, and an in-depth study at your school is useful in your career.

Why should a company hire a developer with a less rigorous education when the stack of applicants includes people with a more solid background?

[quote name='zbell91' timestamp='1302303992' post='4796130']
Yes, DeVry is an accredited school, but I still believe that it isn't looked upon like normal Universities and CS degrees.

Be VERY careful with that reasoning.

There is a good reason DeVry and other trade schools are often frowned upon. Most of the schools are accredited for trade degrees, not degrees in Computer Science.

Bachelor in Simulation Programming != Bachelor in Computer Science.

Some of the school campuses are certified for traditional Computer Science, but you wrote that your degree is in simulations programming.

In an effort to get you through the program quickly, many of the schools will omit years of important but less glamorous topics. They may drop math classes like discrete mathematics or statistics because students don't like math. Sometimes they drop theory classes that students don't like such as in-depth courses on compiler theory, complexity theory, and computational theory. Or they'll drop seemingly non-game topics like database programming, software security, and OS internals. Frequently they will drop non-programming courses like technical writing or business communications. Sometimes the topics are studied at a surface level where a single class will combine what should be three or four separate courses. These topics are still important in games, and an in-depth study at your school is useful in your career.

Why should a company hire a developer with a less rigorous education when the stack of applicants includes people with a more solid background?

I see your point and I totally agree. I guess I am hoping that I can fill the gaps with my own research and studies. I also hope that my portfolio and what not will reflect this. I know it's a stretch but DeVry handed out scholarships when other schools would not. That is why I am there.

Why should a company hire a developer with a less rigorous education when the stack of applicants includes people with a more solid background?

Because that developer, through his education, learned how to program solid good games in groups and deadlines, and the other may have participated in an open source project at best, but most likely has only developed a half-assed game during his spare time and it took him a year to get the project finished. They want capable people, not incapable people with potential. It's not the job of the hiring company to draw out all that potential. It's up to the applying developer to do something with that potential in the first place (he can grow all he wants once he's on the company and the company may help).

On the other hand, a developer with a solid education that includes a lot of important theory and fields that aren't strictly game development related, has the potential to wipe the floor with a candidate without such background specifically because his knowledge and expertise can be a huge advantage when working on games that require more advanced programming than something you'd find in a XBLA (see AAA games that end up on the PS3 or Xbox 360 with PC equals).

[quote name='frob' timestamp='1302388153' post='4796511']
Why should a company hire a developer with a less rigorous education when the stack of applicants includes people with a more solid background?

Because that developer, through his education, learned how to program solid good games in groups and deadlines, and the other may have participated in an open source project at best, but most likely has only developed a half-assed game during his spare time and it took him a year to get the project finished. They want capable people, not incapable people with potential. It's not the job of the hiring company to draw out all that potential. It's up to the applying developer to do something with that potential in the first place (he can grow all he wants once he's on the company and the company may help).

On the other hand, a developer with a solid education that includes a lot of important theory and fields that aren't strictly game development related, has the potential to wipe the floor with a candidate without such background specifically because his knowledge and expertise can be a huge advantage when working on games that require more advanced programming than something you'd find in a XBLA (see AAA games that end up on the PS3 or Xbox 360 with PC equals).

Interesting view point. I think I see what you're getting at. Isn't it possible to get the theory and advanced programming knowledge from books, blogs, tutorials, and study time outside of school? That is what I am hoping for at this point. I have set up several information interviews and studio tours to talk to developers and programmers about how they got into the industry and what they would recommend that I do. Also, it's just good to show my face within the industry, even if I'm not ready to be a part of it yet.

1. Isn't it possible to get the theory and advanced programming knowledge from books, blogs, tutorials, and study time outside of school?
2. That is what I am hoping for at this point.

1. Anything is possible. Anything.
2. You keep talking about what you "hope." Some people say hope is everything. Others say hope is nothing. Better to plan and work towards a goal than to hope.

-- Tom Sloper --


[quote name='zbell91' timestamp='1302446361' post='4796688']
1. Isn't it possible to get the theory and advanced programming knowledge from books, blogs, tutorials, and study time outside of school?
2. That is what I am hoping for at this point.

1. Anything is possible. Anything.
2. You keep talking about what you "hope." Some people say hope is everything. Others say hope is nothing. Better to plan and work towards a goal than to hope.

Well I plan on working my butt off while getting whatever education I can at DeVry. I plan on learning as much as possible and getting in contact with as many people as possible. I know I shouldn't say "hope." There is evidence that a degree isn't everything and there is evidence that people from schools like DeVry and DigiPen do get jobs as long as they work hard. I am dedicated to being one of those people.

Well I plan on working my butt off while getting whatever education I can at DeVry. I plan on learning as much as possible and getting in contact with as many people as possible. I know I shouldn't say "hope." There is evidence that a degree isn't everything and there is evidence that people from schools like DeVry and DigiPen do get jobs as long as they work hard. I am dedicated to being one of those people.

You need to realize that just learning whatever you miss by not getting a general education isn't enough: You have to be able to show in your portfolio that you know these things, which can be rather hard. Just look through the curriculum of any CS education and make a check list of what you think is feasible for you to learn and what you're sure you won't be picking up. The check list will tell you two things: A) what things you need to apply in a way that the hiring staff can see that you know these things, and B) what things you'll be missing from a general education, which points at where your disadvantages will be.

It is by far easier to get a CS degree and work with games in your spare time than getting a game- och field-specific degree and then learning all that general CS stuff in your spare time. Think about that.

[quote name='zbell91' timestamp='1302449913' post='4796709']
Well I plan on working my butt off while getting whatever education I can at DeVry. I plan on learning as much as possible and getting in contact with as many people as possible. I know I shouldn't say "hope." There is evidence that a degree isn't everything and there is evidence that people from schools like DeVry and DigiPen do get jobs as long as they work hard. I am dedicated to being one of those people.

You need to realize that just learning whatever you miss by not getting a general education isn't enough: You have to be able to show in your portfolio that you know these things, which can be rather hard. Just look through the curriculum of any CS education and make a check list of what you think is feasible for you to learn and what you're sure you won't be picking up. The check list will tell you two things: A) what things you need to apply in a way that the hiring staff can see that you know these things, and B) what things you'll be missing from a general education, which points at where your disadvantages will be.

It is by far easier to get a CS degree and work with games in your spare time than getting a game- och field-specific degree and then learning all that general CS stuff in your spare time. Think about that.

I totally understand your logic here, but what you recommend for someone who cannot afford a CS degree at this time? I wouldn't mind going back to school at some point. Maybe for a Master's in CS? However, as of now I need to find a way into the industry with my game-centric degree and perhaps an internship with a few demos. Any thoughts?

what you recommend for someone who cannot afford a CS degree

You're doing it. It's only possible to play with the cards you're dealt. Play them well.

-- Tom Sloper --

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