So my idea came up while I've been trying to think of a solution to what I see as a problem. And that is bullet physics and player hitbox detection being too expensive as far as sending and receiving network data in large scale multiplayer shooters. I'm assuming its at least one of the issues when you have large fire fights between 60+ players. All Points Bulletin tried to avoid this by having no headshots with only 1 hitbox.
Or am I dreaming and hit collisions aren't that network intensive to do?
(Changing gears, now thinking of an FPSRPG with aiming and some calculated damage from stats)
Anyway, so the idea is pretty simple and that is to instead do a calculation based on the relational player height. So lets say you are on a rooftop above this guy and shoot down on him. You are going to be scoring the maximum critical or bonus damage you can do on him (just as if you were aim and getting a headshot. If the positions were reversed you would be shooting up at him and be doing less than normal damage as well as have the lowest chance to get critical hits. Also you would have a chance to deal a crippling shot and cause him to move slowly. If you are both a roughly the same elevation you have equal chances to do the same randomly calculated (~15% head shot crits)
Does this work or sound good at all? I want to get roughly the same effect of having different locational damage effects (head,body,legs) in a FPSRPG but still be playable like a shooter except on a large scale.
FPSRPG- Artificial hitbox
I am new here, but ... in my opinion for this idea you'd have to specify for which audience do you plan it. That's because imho FPS players like to have a strong control of things - it's up to them precisely where they would hit. This system seems to be more for strategically, possibly tactically, geared games (which RPGs can be too).
By the way what about jumping?
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 features bullet physics and hitboxes... actually while playing that I heard than the usual and simple hitboxing is done by making a line from the gun according to the angle and then checking for hits -> from this I guess the bullet physics are much more costly then the hitchecking - remember it was present (in the simple for) even in very old games.
Actually there were issues with the physics bullets took some time to travel and due to networking you could shoot the player in front of you, see blood but him running unharmed as seen here:
Tl;dr - if it's rather FPS, I would stick hit hitboxes, probably removed bullet physics. If it's rather RPG, then I think it could be possible to do it your way.
Provided I haven't misunderstood your idea...
I am new here, but ... in my opinion for this idea you'd have to specify for which audience do you plan it. That's because imho FPS players like to have a strong control of things - it's up to them precisely where they would hit. This system seems to be more for strategically, possibly tactically, geared games (which RPGs can be too).
By the way what about jumping?
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 features bullet physics and hitboxes... actually while playing that I heard than the usual and simple hitboxing is done by making a line from the gun according to the angle and then checking for hits -> from this I guess the bullet physics are much more costly then the hitchecking - remember it was present (in the simple for) even in very old games.
Actually there were issues with the physics bullets took some time to travel and due to networking you could shoot the player in front of you, see blood but him running unharmed as seen here:
... although in case of long-range sniping it was interesting, but generally imho it's not yet time for it now, issues exceeding fun
Tl;dr - if it's rather FPS, I would stick hit hitboxes, probably removed bullet physics. If it's rather RPG, then I think it could be possible to do it your way.
Provided I haven't misunderstood your idea...
The audience is for both FPS RPG fans. But because it does have some RPG elements they would take precedence.
Yes there would be jumping. No, jumping wouldn't help you do more damage.
Yes there would be jumping. No, jumping wouldn't help you do more damage.
I've seen some good examples like Borderlands and Rage using RPG elements quite fine in a dominant FPS style environment. Reality kicks in to 2 major factors. #1. is internet connection of the player and the internet connection from your server. The higher the internet connection, the more shards and internet connections you have to balance out lag and network connection errors, the happier your players will be. #2. is actually setting up what ppl want in this type of game. Collect problems and ideas that people have given to the community forum on Steam for such games, then work back to the developer websites collecting only the general information the masses agree on. You want the game to end up player controlled sandbox and not linear. You want to spice it up for the players, and at the same time you want to be able to make something within your capacity. Your first step is simply solving other people's problems with your game, rather than simply providing a detailed copy of what you think would be a good game.
Failure is simply denying the truth and refusing to adapt for success. Failure is synthetic, invented by man to justify his laziness and lack of moral conduct. What truely lies within failure is neither primative or genetic. What failure is at the heart, is man's inability to rise and meet the challenge. Success is natural, only happening when man stops trying to imitate a synthetic or imaginable object. Once man starts acting outside his emotional standpoints, he will stop trying to imitate synthetic or imaginable objects called forth by the replication of his emptiness inside his mind. Man's mind is forever idle and therefore shall call forth through the primitives of such subconscious thoughts and behaviors that Success is unnatural and that failure is natural. Success is simply doing something at man's full natural abilities and power, failure is the inability to act on what man wants, dreams, wishes, invisions, or thinks himself to do. ~ RED (concluded when I was 5 years old looking at the world with wide eyes)
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