
Slow iso map

Started by January 06, 2000 08:13 PM
0 comments, last by ColdfireV 25 years, 2 months ago
I''m using CDX wrapper for a new iso engine I''m writing. I''ve got smooth scrolling, and it displays everything to the screen fine, but it''s REALLY slow. My simple algorithm is to find which tiles would be displayed on the screen, find the placement of each of the tiles pixel-wise, then display them. I ran it on 800x600 with 24x16 tiles, and it was in the range of 15fps. It was really slow. Anyone have any better ideas? I could always go back to writing the code directly with DirectX, but I prefer to use CDX because then I can focus more on the gameplay. Has anyone else ever had problems with slowness in CDX?
Just find the coordinates on the very first tile you draw at the top-left of the screen. Since the tiles are the same size, just increase the screen coordinates by the tile size.

As for map coordinates, as you are going left to right, add 1 to the mapx, and subtract 1 from the mapy.

As for going down a row, you would alternate between adding 1 to the mapx or mapy (depending if you are on an even or odd row).

Refer to an iso article, namely my own (shameless plug!) that I believe is somewhere on this site, or go to my homepage.

Jim Adams

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