quote: Original post by magnwa
I look at SDL and at the games loki''s made. I cannot imagine how people can sit there and say "Linux isn''t good for games." Linux is an OS. Windows is an OS. I can take Loki''s code and compile it against SDL on windows. (Almost from scratch.. I would imagine SOME things would need to be done.) Likewise, I can take a game I am developing in SDL and compile it on windows.
Cross platform compatibility will dictate whether games will be or won''t be made for linux. I plan on coding with SDL. My games will work on Linux. They will also work on windows.
To me, that means there is no such thing as an OS gap for my games. Discussing whether the OS will live or die on the desktop is pointless to me. It is a good OS, and it can be made to do whatever developers wish. No, it''s not the best in the world. No, I don''t think it will ever beat Windows. But it is a viable option, and coding for it CAN be done.
Sure Linux is an OS, Windows is an OS and there are many more OS''s out there. You are selling games to the public - if your intentions are to make profit better to have the game on Windows as the market is huge there.
Now why don''t we see everyone running around coding a game on BEOS just coz SDL runs on it ?