
What do you want to see in AI Game Developer's Portfolio?

Started by October 04, 2011 04:04 AM
1 comment, last by XXChester 13 years ago
What do you want to see in AI Game Developer's Portfolio as an employer?

This can be interesting sticky thread. Write down specific, really specific stuff. Like I want him to have implemented a neural network that does this and that. I want him to have implemented state-machine but also goal-based agents. I know there are lots of stuff and it depends on the job but just throw cool stuff here that as AI game developer you have implemented so far or would like to do soon.

I started working on a game I will show to potential employers after college, after a year, so I collect stuff I would like to implement. I am finishing Programming Game AI by Example, good book, and I want state-machine and goal-based agents in my game, messaging system, Lua scripting for states and goals, definitely steering behaviors, fuzzy logic based current weapon selection, different path planning strategies and so on...

What do you want to see in AI Game Developer's Portfolio as an employer?

I have never seen a dedicated AI programmer as an entry level job. Therefore I expect to see one or more shipped major game titles.

(It is rare to see any specialized job at the entry level, not just AI. Occasionally there will be a need for a very specific graphics person, otherwise I don't think I've ever seen entry level demands for specialists.)

I expect to see some evidence that they influenced the AI in those shipped titles. That would't be too difficult as game programmers typically start in general gameplay or general engine work, which automatically spreads into many other systems.
I believe that if you want an AI job than you should have demos of AI techniques such as path finding and path finding using different algorithms, etc etc. The list goes on, but as I am finding and I am sure most who are interested in this field, you really have to make a game in order to show off the AI. It is very difficult to just show an AI demo that is interesting without any context. Just my 2 cents, keep in mind I am not I am just a hobbyist so take what I say as an opinion and not fact.

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