
What is wrong with me?!

Started by February 29, 2012 10:13 AM
30 comments, last by Codeloader_Dev 12 years, 6 months ago
In one of my classes we are suppose to do a group project in which we come up with a proposal for a non profit organization and a realistic plan for implementing and funding it. The idea can't require more than $1500 in funding to get started and it has to be something which we can literally go out and do. There just happens to be 3 other programmers besides myself and she said she was going to form groups based on our majors.

So during break I suggested to some of my fellow programmers that we do an open source non-profit organization. They all loved the idea and we were all very excited. However, what the teacher was actually meaning when she said she was going to group us by our majors is that she wanted each group to have a varied set of skills. So she grouped me with the two most attractive girls in the class and one of which is probably one of the best looking girls I've ever seen.

Most men would relish this opportunity but the problem is that they are both blond preppy girls who have obviously coasted through life solely on their good looks and rich parents. They both were looking to me to come up with an idea and when I suggested the open source non-profit organization they both had no idea what I was talking about. I asked if they have ever heard of Linux and they had no idea what it was so at that point I knew that idea was out of the question.

So the the girl who was going for cosmetology then told us her idea. Basically, she said that farms need to grow organic fruits and vegetables in order to conserve land and prevent deforestation and she thinks we should create a non-profit organization to promote this. I tried to explain to he why that didn't make any sense as politely as I could and even though I don't think she understood she eventually abandoned that idea. After almost an hour of blankly staring at each other trying to come up with an idea the same girl had an idea to help families who are broken up from drug addiction. This then lead to a bunch of wild far fetched ideas for funding and how the project could help families. I just went along since it was better then her last idea.

After that the girls wanted me to make the entire power point presentation and to do the speech for an organization that would be nearly impossible to start, would require huge amounts of founding, and would do nothing to help families who have been broken up by drug addiction. So basically I'm going to be doing all of the work while the only thing these girls have contributed was an illogical idea. What should I do? I think the only thing I can do is to shoot for a C and ask the really hot girl out on a date, but I get the feeling I'll get shot down and end up failing the project which means I fail the entire class since it's an SLO. dry.png
What's wrong with you? Well, for one thing, you're planning to ask someone out you clearly have no respect for at all...

What's wrong with you? Well, for one thing, you're planning to ask someone out you clearly have no respect for at all...

True but I really want something good to come out of this instead of doing a bunch of work for nothing and failing the class... Maybe I should just come up with my own idea and do it without my class mate's knowledge then just present it to them?
lulz at unsollicited group projects.

Stop giving them special consideration for their extra X chromosome. If they say something stupid, call it stupid. Take the lead and dish out real work to them, instead of assuming you are doing to have to do all of it. That case, at least you maintain your integrity. Your grade will be screwed however. Safe assumption: you are not going to arrive at a common vision, and they are not going to do any real work.

Just doing it all by yourself with your own idea is generally speaking the only way to make something from group projects like these, gradewise.

Either way, you will be forced to choose between integrity and grades. Personally, I would go with the former option and take your F- with a chuckle.

lulz at unsollicited group projects.

Stop giving them special consideration for their extra X chromosome. If they say something stupid, call it stupid. Take the lead and dish out real work to them, instead of assuming you are doing to have to do all of it. That case, at least you maintain your integrity. Your grade will be screwed however. Safe assumption: you are not going to arrive at a common vision, and they are not going to do any real work.

Just doing it all by yourself with your own idea is generally speaking the only way to make something from group projects like these, gradewise.

Either way, you will be forced to choose between integrity and grades. Personally, I would go with the former option and take your F- with a chuckle.

Do you think I should ask the hot girl out who I don't have anything in common with or not? I actually think she has a crush on me so there is that.

[quote name='Eelco' timestamp='1330513059' post='4917689']
lulz at unsollicited group projects.

Stop giving them special consideration for their extra X chromosome. If they say something stupid, call it stupid. Take the lead and dish out real work to them, instead of assuming you are doing to have to do all of it. That case, at least you maintain your integrity. Your grade will be screwed however. Safe assumption: you are not going to arrive at a common vision, and they are not going to do any real work.

Just doing it all by yourself with your own idea is generally speaking the only way to make something from group projects like these, gradewise.

Either way, you will be forced to choose between integrity and grades. Personally, I would go with the former option and take your F- with a chuckle.

Do you think I should ask the hot girl out who I don't have anything in common with or not? I actually think she has a crush on me so there is that.
I think you are trolling. The fact that you have to ask the question is your answer. No, you do not have the social skills to bring dates with hot girls to any kind of good end, or even a start for that matter. That fact is glaringly obvious, even through this textual medium. She probably dropped you a few eyeflutters, but that should be interpreted in the context of you already having decided you are going to do all their work for them. Think about that for a second.

But if you feel like going for the XP points the failure will bring you; all the more power to you. But wait till after the project is over, unless you think a suffocating blanket of awkward is going to make your other concerns with this project magically disappear.

[quote name='SteveDeFacto' timestamp='1330513636' post='4917691']
[quote name='Eelco' timestamp='1330513059' post='4917689']
lulz at unsollicited group projects.

Stop giving them special consideration for their extra X chromosome. If they say something stupid, call it stupid. Take the lead and dish out real work to them, instead of assuming you are doing to have to do all of it. That case, at least you maintain your integrity. Your grade will be screwed however. Safe assumption: you are not going to arrive at a common vision, and they are not going to do any real work.

Just doing it all by yourself with your own idea is generally speaking the only way to make something from group projects like these, gradewise.

Either way, you will be forced to choose between integrity and grades. Personally, I would go with the former option and take your F- with a chuckle.

Do you think I should ask the hot girl out who I don't have anything in common with or not? I actually think she has a crush on me so there is that.
I think you are trolling. The fact that you have to ask the question is your answer. No, you do not have the social skills to bring dates with hot girls to any kind of good end, or even a start for that matter. That fact is glaringly obvious, even through this textual medium. She probably dropped you a few eyeflutters, but that should be interpreted in the context of you already having decided you are going to do all their work for them. Think about that for a second.

But if you feel like going for the XP points the failure will bring you; all the more power to you. But wait till after the project is over, unless you think a suffocating blanket of awkward is going to make your other concerns with this project magically disappear.

Honestly, there are not enough atheist girls out there and I'm starting to think I need to just pretend I'm one of the flock if I ever want to be happy.
What Eelco said.

Show some self respect man, bang them to rights. Girls like guys who can control things so don't be a push over with the work, get them to do it as well. If they refuse then tell them that they're lame.

[quote name='Eelco' timestamp='1330513059' post='4917689']
lulz at unsollicited group projects.

Stop giving them special consideration for their extra X chromosome. If they say something stupid, call it stupid. Take the lead and dish out real work to them, instead of assuming you are doing to have to do all of it. That case, at least you maintain your integrity. Your grade will be screwed however. Safe assumption: you are not going to arrive at a common vision, and they are not going to do any real work.

Just doing it all by yourself with your own idea is generally speaking the only way to make something from group projects like these, gradewise.

Either way, you will be forced to choose between integrity and grades. Personally, I would go with the former option and take your F- with a chuckle.

Do you think I should ask the hot girl out who I don't have anything in common with or not? I actually think she has a crush on me so there is that.

What makes you think she has a crush on you?

What makes you think she has a crush on you?

Laughs at all my jokes, seems to gaze at me a lot in class, messaged me on blackboard to ask about an assignment which then lead to a long conversation, and made a comment about how she likes my new goatee. Though now that I think about it I'm probably just reading in to it too much. However, there was another decent looking girl in class who I know likes me because she is clearly flirting with me and making sexual comments but again she does not seem very intelligent. Besides that I get the feeling that relationship would lead down a very bad path seeing how friendly she is...
Anyway, does anyone have a good idea for a non-profit organization which would be interesting and possible to start with $1500? Also funny non-profits will due too.

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