
EASY 3d Engine

Started by January 10, 2000 12:42 PM
4 comments, last by thekid 24 years, 8 months ago
does anyone know where I can get a very easy 3d engine. It doesn''t have to be real good but I need something with good documentation and is real easy to learn and use. Thanks
There is one called 3drad (, it''s looks pretty good,
and I think it comes with an application so you can create 3d games without programming...
But how fun is that...

Greetings Tobias
No I don''t mean something like that I want a real game engine that I can program with but I would like really good documentation. I am new to 3d so I don''t need something real complicated and advanced. Just the basics!!
Ok go to
Download this is the Quake1 3D Engine source its not the easiest but if you go to they have alot of tutorials on how to make it better hope that helps

Hey where at telfragged do they have those tutorials I already have the q1 source that works with opengl I think its called winquake

If you''re looking for a 3D engine, chances are they''ll have something to fit your needs at
They''ve got hundreds and hundreds of engines to choose from, helpfully grouped into categories. Hope it helps.

-Lutrosis#define WHOOPS 0class DogClass {public: CDog() { printf("Ruff!"); } Run() { printf("Run!"); } Crash() { printf("%d",100/WOOPS); }};DogClass CDog;CDog.Run();CDog.Crash();

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