So please bare with me here.
I'm working on an idea.
I've already got the thumbs up for the idea and I've relatively already started working on, got Unity prepared to start writing code in and implement the art and everything else.
Here's the idea
It's a 2D platformer RPG game made with sprites like the classical Final Fantasy games from 1-6
Although it will implement certain elements from other genres like the classic H-games from Japan, like with detailed drawings of characters when you're in dialog with someone else. The combat will be just like any other olden Final Fantasy game.
The game will be comprised of a max lvl 20 necessary to finish the final boss in the game
The play time estimate is aprox 1-2 hours till you reach/finish the final boss (since it's an RPG these numbers may vary from person to person!)
The Game will be created for one of my country's biggest Anime conventions (aprox 2000+ guests every year)
The game will be made in Unity. The assets I will be using is ITween, Orthello 2D framework and A* Pathfinding editor. (For now these are the asssets, any ideas on others or better ones are welcome!)
And it will be coded in Javascript
Now before you start asking "Why the hell Javascript?!" Let me tell you something;
A problem I have in this en-devour though.
I have no prior knowledge of Javascript or prpper experience in Unity overall (only did 1-2 tutorials)
This is one of them:
I am currently learning to code Javascript through CodeAcadamy
Now. To the thing I'm here for.
I've just finished the "version overview" of the Game.
As a person that dreams to be a Game Designer/Developer I want to always establish an overview the entire project and production.
(For example, my FIRST Deadline is the creation of the Project portfolio I wish to show other coders to try and get their help in making it real, same goes for artists)
Deadline is for the end of this month (30th of Sept.)
Here is the version overview I've established: