I've learned basic C++ (classes, arrays, pointers etc..) and now I'm trying to learn Win32 C++ so I can go on to learning DirectX to make games. I have some books on using Visual C++ 6, but they don't explain the coding parts in detail and I find it extremely difficult to even understand bits and pieces of it (even the simple things like hInstance and nCmdShow). My question is - am I just so dumb or did everyone have these problems? Maybe someone can help out or at least answer my question? What I need is a good online book or tutorials which explain every part of the Win32 coding in detail (at least the basics), rather than explaining how to use Visual C++ 6 or how to make aps based on given examples and stuff like that... PLEASE!!! HELP!!!
Edited by - ion_spider on 1/11/00 11:01:28 AM
If you want to learn Win32 coding, go for Programming Windows 95 by Charles Petzold. It is THE book to have. If only I had $.10 for every time my programming buds have told me "Look it up in Petzold" when I''d ask them a Win32 question...
Anyway, you shouldn''t bother too much with Win32 books. Most games programming books out now cover the basics as they''ll apply to your game programming, after all why learn stuff you won''t use? Lamothes Dummies book does a decent enough job IMHO.
Hope I was of some help! -Taliesin
Anyway, you shouldn''t bother too much with Win32 books. Most games programming books out now cover the basics as they''ll apply to your game programming, after all why learn stuff you won''t use? Lamothes Dummies book does a decent enough job IMHO.
Hope I was of some help! -Taliesin
This is a great question. Really, I think this is what 90% of aspiring game programmers think when they first begin learning. And most quit because they think they''re just not going to get it. Game programming is one of, if not THE toughest form of programming there is. Also, technology is moving so fast, it''s difficult for a ''part-time'' game programmer to keep up.
Assume you know some basic C++. Anyone starting off with no Win32 experience that chooses to learn DX or OpenGL in Windows is going to have a long road. I''ve been teaching myself for 3 years, and I''ve still got a LOT to learn. Bottom line is, you have to do it because you love it. You will have many many MANY frustrating times, and you just have to use your resources, like the extremely helpful people at this site to get through them.
When I first started learning, I was pulling my hair out because a few months had passed and I hadn''t created the next iteration of NBA Live yet! I couldn''t believe it was taking so long! But if you break things up and take one small step every day, week, whatever, you get there a lot faster than you think. And I''ll tell you all the frustration is worth it once you finish your first game that someone actually enjoys playing!
Moral of the story is be realistic. There are a lot of people around that are very smart and have been game programming for many years. Your not going to start off and make something better, or even comparable to what their putting out. But if you respect and learn from them and keep your vision, you''ll get there just as fast or faster. Anyone agree, or am I a moron that can''t learn anything, either??
P.S. I also agree with the guy who said get Programming For Windows 95.
Assume you know some basic C++. Anyone starting off with no Win32 experience that chooses to learn DX or OpenGL in Windows is going to have a long road. I''ve been teaching myself for 3 years, and I''ve still got a LOT to learn. Bottom line is, you have to do it because you love it. You will have many many MANY frustrating times, and you just have to use your resources, like the extremely helpful people at this site to get through them.
When I first started learning, I was pulling my hair out because a few months had passed and I hadn''t created the next iteration of NBA Live yet! I couldn''t believe it was taking so long! But if you break things up and take one small step every day, week, whatever, you get there a lot faster than you think. And I''ll tell you all the frustration is worth it once you finish your first game that someone actually enjoys playing!
Moral of the story is be realistic. There are a lot of people around that are very smart and have been game programming for many years. Your not going to start off and make something better, or even comparable to what their putting out. But if you respect and learn from them and keep your vision, you''ll get there just as fast or faster. Anyone agree, or am I a moron that can''t learn anything, either??
P.S. I also agree with the guy who said get Programming For Windows 95.
January 11, 2000 12:34 PM
I currently use OpenGL as my rendering API
however I''m currently looking into DirectSound
and DirectInput for integration into my OGL programs
goto and look for
the SDK and download it the documentation and sample code
has been quite helpful to me
however I''m currently looking into DirectSound
and DirectInput for integration into my OGL programs
goto and look for
the SDK and download it the documentation and sample code
has been quite helpful to me
Hey there - I recommend the book from Andre LaMothe called
Tricks Of The Windows Game Programming Guru''s. It''s pretty good at explaining all the windows stuff you would need for a game, and then it goes on to all the DirectX fundamentals and a lot on game programming - it weighs in pretty heavy - probably $40+ but its well worth the money and the read.
You''ll want a good foundation before you start though - but you say you know C++, so thats good
Take it easy,
Tricks Of The Windows Game Programming Guru''s. It''s pretty good at explaining all the windows stuff you would need for a game, and then it goes on to all the DirectX fundamentals and a lot on game programming - it weighs in pretty heavy - probably $40+ but its well worth the money and the read.
You''ll want a good foundation before you start though - but you say you know C++, so thats good

Take it easy,
Don''t get too frustrated... I remember when I first made the jump from DOS programming to Windows 3.1 (back in the day!)... it felt very weird, indeed. But with a lot of experimentation and some patience, you do start to see the patterns. Don''t give up...
Mason McCuskey
Spin Studios - home of Quaternion, 2000 GDC Indie Games Fest Finalist!
Mason McCuskey
Spin Studios - home of Quaternion, 2000 GDC Indie Games Fest Finalist!
Founder, Cuttlefish Industries
The Cuttlefish Engine lets anyone develop great games for iPad, iPhone, Android, WP7, the web, and more!
The Cuttlefish Engine lets anyone develop great games for iPad, iPhone, Android, WP7, the web, and more!
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