
What do you think of this?

Started by November 11, 2012 09:36 PM
40 comments, last by ShiftyCake 11 years, 9 months ago
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I am currently working on a theoretical game idea for a college class, as part of it, I am posting this rough summary of the games current features and plot idea for review. Any questions or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.[/font]

The Game is as follows:
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• Game "made" for the Computer[/font]
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• Movement is controlled by the keyboard, and the mouse controls camera movement and interaction with the world (this is fully mapped out, esc for options menu I for inventory, etc).[/font]
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• Genre is RPG /adventure fantasy[/font]
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• Customizable character, skin color gender, and facial features.[/font]
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The plot: Your character struggles to survive in a medieval world were mythical creatures and magic aren't considered to be anything more than “old wives tales” or made up stories for children. Despite this, the character spends the majority of the game trying to escape from a monstrous creature no one else can see despite any lasting effects on the game world, that always manages to find the character eventually, and that reappears within 1 in game days’ time should the player manage to kill it.[/font]
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Goal: The Ultimate goal is to find a way to permanently rid yourself of your pursuer and prove yourself innocent of the crimes committed by the creature that you are blamed.[/font]
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Plot facts:[/font]
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• Multiple endings - how it ends depends on how high your bounty grew before you finally killed the creature at the end of 5 game years time.[/font]
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• The frequency of creature attacks changes based on how many npc’s are nearby, the more there are, the longer it goes without attacking, but the longer it waits the more people it kills.[/font]
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• No one ever sees it, its rampage might end with a village in shambles and partially eaten bodies in the street, but no one ever sees it but you.[/font]
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• People remember you instead, what this ultimately means may change based on the game’s end, but were you see a monster, they remember you, and every tragedy committed by the creature makes it harder and harder to remain within villages and towns.[/font]
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• The landscape is randomly generated, locations and quests are never exactly the same. A castle might be to the east surrounded by woods in one game, but far to the north near hills and river in another.[/font]

It sounds good and unique, and you could tie it to an urban legend that everyone loves: Slenderman!
My Project info: My Dev Journal:
I update this more:!
Had a look, and I've already seen a huge hole in your goal. Before that though, enlargen your words (they were really annoying to read).
Now, your goal, as such, is to "prove yourself innocent" after you have "permanently rid yourself of your pursuer". By ridding yourself of your pursuer, you just made it impossible to prove your innocence, for the creature you have been claiming that's doing all these terrible things is in fact no more. There is simply no way to rid yourself of your crimes.
So therefore, we can change the goal, and the multiple endings. Here's my theory of what they should be.

Goal: The Ultimate goal is to find a way to capture the beast, and then choose either a way to permanently rid yourself of the beast or to make the best visible to your persecuters.

Multiple Endings: If you chose permanently ridding yourself of the beast, then the ending will be chosen through how much bounty you have accumulated.
If you chose to make the beat visible, then the story will be prolonged ass the villagers help you find a way to rid the beast permanently, and will end when you have done so, the ending being dependable on how well you have integrated yourself into the community and made "friends" as such.

Maybe you can display it as reputation. So when you have a bounty on your head, your reputation will be in the negative and it will keep decreasing the more bounty on your head. If you have cleared your name, your reputation will be 0 and will increase as you help villagers etc.

And you have how the beast attacks all wrong, as I like to think. You should picture the beast not as personally going for you, but instead as having some sort of "attachment" as such to you from his 'realm" (as in, maybe he is not of this world) and so can only escape his realm by being drawn to you. This might be why he can never be killed, because he always just goes back to his realm. You can also have it as the way to forever get rid of him by severing his ties to you.

So the beast should have a drive to kill humans. For whatever reason, it is something he likes or needs to do. So, with this in mind, you should do something like a "poke" for the beasts attacking methods. This is where the more villagers that accumulate, the more chance that he will sense these villagers as such (through the ties with you). So when he senses the villagers (make it a randomized chance, more chance the more villagers there are), he will "poke" as such out of the realm. The only way to prevent him from attacking the villagers, would be for you to hide yourself from them. Or, it's possible, that maybe he uses your eyes to look through the realm. That way, if you cover your eyes, then it won't happen. But their should be skill involved. Say you can't cover your eyes for more then two seconds because you are running from the villagers or something, and only a small ominous sound signify's he's about to "poke" out of his realm.

And instead of villagers "randomly remembering you". You should make it so that as more and more instances of it happening, with you being their at the site, they start to connect the dots. They don't know whether its directly involved with you, but when you're around people die and villagers burn, so they attack you out of their wish to protect the villagers and etc.
that's just my two-bits from what you said. You can pick and choose what you wish to take out of this.EDIT #1: I just had a thought, but maybe the beast gains power from killing humans. So, as more and more humans are killed, he gains more and more power. This could create another alternate ending, where the beast himself wins by gaining enough power to enter the human realm without needing you. And lastly, the beast cannot attack you before that because he can't survive without you (so now you have a reason for the beast not attacking).

If, at any point, what I post is hard to understand, tell me. I am bad at projecting my thoughts into real words, so I appreciate the knowledge that I need to edit my post.

I am not a professional writer, nor a professional game designer. Please, understand that everything you read is simply an opinion of mind and should not, at any point in time, be taken as a credible answer unless validated by others.

thanks, I've heard of Slenderman but I don't know anything about him, don't know if he is what I was thinking of based on name, I pictured something more heavy built, gorilla like for the creature. A mix of the general mythical appearance of a yeti or wendigo was what I pictured it as. The story concept itself, any questions?
not sure how the posting methodds work on this site yet, is there a "reply" option for posts by other people? or do you just reply to the original topic and hope the person you are talkign to notices it?

not sure how the posting methodds work on this site yet, is there a "reply" option for posts by other people? or do you just reply to the original topic and hope the person you are talkign to notices it?

quote. Instantly quotes the other person's post, so they know your replying to them.

If, at any point, what I post is hard to understand, tell me. I am bad at projecting my thoughts into real words, so I appreciate the knowledge that I need to edit my post.

I am not a professional writer, nor a professional game designer. Please, understand that everything you read is simply an opinion of mind and should not, at any point in time, be taken as a credible answer unless validated by others.

My idea for the beast was, its real for you and you alone. It might exist but its just as likely that your character is insane, and very dangerous because of there hallucinations. From your perspective, there is this destructive impossible thing hunting you down and killing people whenever it shows up. No one else sees it because from their perspective, they literally see you doing these things to them. No one believes in monsters like the creature, so no one seriously believes that your being hunted by it. I didn't wan to explain how it finds you or give proof that its there,

[quote name='ThisIsAUsername' timestamp='1352677709' post='5000029']
not sure how the posting methodds work on this site yet, is there a "reply" option for posts by other people? or do you just reply to the original topic and hope the person you are talkign to notices it?

quote. Instantly quotes the other person's post, so they know your replying to them.
[/quote] ah, thanks
I like the idea of there being rumors spreading about the events though, would definatly be a realistic explanation for why people would begin to recognize you later on in the game, wanted posters where one idea I had but rumors spreading makes sense.
WOH. hold on. I'm signed in as ShiftyCake, not ShiftyKake..........
what. :/
so this means I made an account for ShiftyCake without realising, and is why I had to make Shiftykake.
This sucks. Signing into my real account now, sorry.

If, at any point, what I post is hard to understand, tell me. I am bad at projecting my thoughts into real words, so I appreciate the knowledge that I need to edit my post.

I am not a professional writer, nor a professional game designer. Please, understand that everything you read is simply an opinion of mind and should not, at any point in time, be taken as a credible answer unless validated by others.

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