
Writing Challenge "Underground"- There be prizes!

Started by March 20, 2013 01:00 AM
27 comments, last by Stormynature 11 years, 9 months ago

1. Do we limit ourselves to how the protagonist found him/herself in the given situation and why s/he must escape? Or can we say how s/he escapes?

2. Can it be narrated in the first-person?

You are to write an origination story of how your protagonist found themselves at that location, as well providing the elements of why he/she must escape that situation.

These are the only base requirements necessary (How did they get there and why they must leave there) -- Anything else you wish to add i.e. the actual escape etc is completely up to you. The reason those two requirements are stipulated is because in Game writing you do not always get complete control of the creation.

You can use any perspective or presentation style you wish - for example you could do this as an Ode or a screenplay or from the viewpoint of the parasitic head attachment that the protagonist has not yet noticed....

I look forward to your submission :)

Might I suggest that each entry go in its own thread starting with the tag [WCU] that way it leaves space for people to comment on entries without cluttering the main thread?


Might I suggest that each entry go in its own thread starting with the tag [WCU] that way it leaves space for people to comment on entries without cluttering the main thread?

That would be fine but I would want a link posted in this particular thread to that thread simply so that I can ensure that I know of all those who throw an entry in.

As the story I'm planning to submit is quite long, would it be okay if I post it in a separate thread with the [WCU] tag? It would be nice especially since I'd be open for comments and critique.

As the story I'm planning to submit is quite long, would it be okay if I post it in a separate thread with the [WCU] tag? It would be nice especially since I'd be open for comments and critique.

That would be fine just make sure there is a link in this thread to that thread as well please :)

totally forgot about this :3 better get to it! Before I forget again...

If, at any point, what I post is hard to understand, tell me. I am bad at projecting my thoughts into real words, so I appreciate the knowledge that I need to edit my post.

I am not a professional writer, nor a professional game designer. Please, understand that everything you read is simply an opinion of mind and should not, at any point in time, be taken as a credible answer unless validated by others.


Hey there! I posted my entry as a new thread. I hope you don't mind the absurd length and give it a read. ^_^;;

Well... I gave it a shot. Please don't be too brutal.. lol

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision --Helen Keller

This is an excerpt of the rough draft of a novel I started a few months ago. It's not really game writing, per se, although I have toyed with the idea of someday making a game in this setting. It's pretty rough, since I haven't finished the draft or started any kind of major revision, but the beginning part at least fits the theme of this contest (caves, and the escaping thereof). The excerpt is fairly long (about 13 1/2 pages on Google Docs) so rather than post it all here or in another thread, I'll just link to it:


Critiques, of course, are always welcome, though if you do have something to discuss it might be more convenient for the other readers of the thread to PM me rather than post it here.

I've also knocked together a quick entry.

[WCU] Johnny Fell Down a Well

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