
Help with DX7 & VB

Started by January 13, 2000 07:09 AM
0 comments, last by MarcusLM 24 years, 8 months ago
I am trying to set a color key for a surface and I want the key color to be the color that is at 0,0 in the surface. I can''t seem to get this to work. I am doing the following: 1. Lock the surface 2. GetLockedPixel at 0,0 3. Set colorkey high and low to the result from the GetLockedPixel 5. UnlockSurface 6. Set the surface''s colorkey I then do a blt. Any idea what I am doing wrong? Help please. Thanks. Marcus
You just take GetLockedPixel at 1,1 at the secondary surface. :-) :p

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