I'm working on a City Builder game at the moment, and I have a few basic ideas of what I feel makes the city builder games fun and addicting. What I'd like to hear are other peoples opinions of exactly what makes a city builder so fun. If you could, please include a reference to a city builder game you like, what compelled you to start playing, and what kept you playing.
I'll start:
I really like Galactic Reunion, an older game, which involved wars with alien species, advancing technologies, discovering new solar systems, establishing colonies and mining for resources. I can't really say what drew me in in the first place. I think it was a 5$ game box that I passed by and just thought to try it. I found it quick and easy to start placing buildings in my world, and then expand to my local moon. What kept me involved and loving the game for so long was that it had a long game play time to get around to things. There were always different ways to expand. If/when you run out of funding, you can start looking at back logs of new discovered planets. And switch mining resources to work more on the materials of value to you. I liked that aspect a lot. It was one player (no multi-possible).
I really liked that the advancement of my own people helped improve things. I could hire the best advisors to begin with, or I could start with cheaper ones and send them to college. I had a lot of ways I could push things to get to my core goals of the game.