
Idea for a demo of my 3D engine

Started by October 17, 2013 12:26 AM
2 comments, last by Jack Shannon 11 years, 2 months ago

What I'm not having trouble with is how to best to show my engine, and I'm going to have to start sending off my portfolio to companies in under a month, as I'm doing an Industry year out from university!

So I've finally implemented all the techniques that I want in my engine, models, terrain, sky, atmosphere, shadows, ssao, physics etc. Now I just need content!

I'm a capable artist when it comes to copying things (if I have references), and am competent in the necessary tools in the content pipeline. I just can't come up with ideas.

I was thinking of going to a local park or something and taking loads of photographs and just recreating that scene, could this be a good idea to send to companies, or is there anywhere I can find cool concept art for levels that I can use for free? Would just like some advice really from anyone who has created a portfolio piece for their engine!



Perhaps you could make an aquarium-city. An aquarium can be a nice constraint for yourself so you don't go too large. It is also an item-shape that can be rotated and viewed from many angles - like something you can put on a pedestal in a museum. A full landscape can perhaps be hard to get the full grasps of. The mini-landscape inside could have a small park like you said. Since it's a form of cutout you would have to add some geological mass and atmosphere.

I was thinking of going to a local park or something and taking loads of photographs and just recreating that scene, could this be a good idea to send to companies.

It's something and you can use it to show how good you are at following design. But I bet you would also want to present your creative side. If your portfolio is side by side with applicants with similar skill level every bit of creative content implying design skills is a bonus.

At times I find myself wondering about the lack of inspiration and what to do with it. Time after time I come to the same conclusion: Design is not straight forward and you can't force it if it just doesn't come. smile.png

But often if you shut down all channels you have for your creative tasks for a while you might find you suddenly have more ideas and better inspiration. But be careful about it, if you stop drawing and start playing an instrument or even photographing you are not shutting down but only channeling your creativity differently. A good way about that is to totally immerse yourself in something which could be anything from reading a book to playing a good story game.

Just my 2 cents and best of luck with your art :)

Thank you very much for your replies! I guess there is no easy way round that I was hoping for, I'll just have to keep thinking and finding inspiration. :)

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