Hello everyone, I'm new here. I need help figuring out which combination of coding languages to use. I previously learned C through a formal course, and I did pretty well. Lately, I've been learning C++, and if it's viable, I would like to continue to use it in my projects.
Ultimately in the long term, I'd like to create some kind of web game, so I'm trying to figure out the right path to take that will be the most efficient in terms of learning. My goal in the short term is not create a full fledged game, but rather produce smaller, simpler graphical demos as I learn new things.
So what all do I need to use to produce web games using C++ to initially design the game?
I want to avoid using Java and Flash, as the case appears that those languages are slowly being phased out for HTML5/JS. I've learned of ASM.JS and Emscripter which seems promising, especially how you can use C/C++. Then you have WebGL, OpenGL, etc. I'm using Visual Studio, and there's options for Win32, MFC, etc. It's pretty confusing figuring out what to learn, as opposed to the learning itself!