
TacMap Idea

Started by February 05, 2014 05:30 AM
0 comments, last by powerneg 10 years, 11 months ago

Okay peeps, I hope this post is in the correct forum, sorry if it is not.. Anyways, I am a software engineer major, and this career keeps my mind rolling. I have this idea, and I just want to know how indepth I will be getting myself.

The idea: I have an idea to develop a tactical map that plays the role of a gaming ladder system. The way it works is that players of lets say, Call of Duty, will register to the site, and will create a team. Once the ladder fills up, they will be randomly seeded and assigned to a zone on the tactical map. When the season begins, teams will be able to challenge neighboring zones to a Team match (Clan Battle).

The catch: Each zone will be defined by specific in-game, game modes. The size of the match that is played on that zone will be determined by the size of the zone. So, lets say, zone A is about medium size, specific to Search&Destroy game mode, and will be a 4v4 match (because of the map size. A larger map may scale the match size to 5v5+). Technically, each zone will have its own set of match specifications. If the challenging team wins, then that team conquers that zone and the other team will lose it. At the end of the season, which ever team controls the most zones, wins prizes etc..

I know this is a big idea. But, I would like to know what kind of programming languages, software, etc. I would need to know or look into investing in?

Thanks in advance for your advice. =)


The idea isn't bad, but it's not a game-idea imo, more a gamemode-idea.

So yeah, you 'll need a game to go with it.

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