
Looking for names for game development studio

Started by May 09, 2014 06:08 AM
7 comments, last by gokudev 10 years, 4 months ago

Hi guys

I am setting up a game development studio and wanted to pick a name! I came up with 'WinterSummerStudio'. What do you guys think? What should one think of when coming up with a name?


Questions about starting a studio are not welcome in the Game Industry Job Advice board (as is stated very clearly atop that board).
Moving this to Business.

-- Tom Sloper --


oops not sure, how that ended up in the job advice section!!

Hi guys
I am setting up a game development studio and wanted to pick a name! ... What should one think of when coming up with a name?

Naming a business is an important thing. There are many small companies that change their name when they realize it actually requires marketing skills.

Note that the product you are marketing is probably not the product you think you are selling.

Soaps have names like "Joy", "Dawn", "Irish Spring". They are not named "Clean Plates" or "Scoured Skin". Observe what they are actually marketing versus what they are selling.

Diapers have names like "Luvs", "Pampers", and "Snuggies". They are not given names like "Poop Catchers". Again, they are marketing something very different from what they are selling.

For some time the "Adjective Animal" theme was common, one company even named themselves exactly that rather than replacing it with the terms. "Naughty Dog" is probably the most famous of them, where you have a mental image that appeals to some young people, a little rebellious, but also fun and playful.

"WinterSummerStudio" invokes seasons, but nothing to do with games to me. You aren't selling fun. You are selling a lack of spaces and seasons that I might or might not enjoy.

I like crave games, although this used to be a company in the US it is defunct now. Also the domain name is not available :/ is it possible to gain ownership of it?

Think about the image you're trying to portray and come up with a name based on that.

You might want something peaceful sounding for the casual market, or something edgy probably appeals more to the general and hardcore market.

If you make up a word as your name, or use an obscure foreign word, make sure people can pronounce it to spread word-of-mouth. Bungie sounds better than Ddsjkdsj.


well im thinking what keeps me playing great games, and the most recent game I played castlevania lord of shadows 2. The game has suspense, thrill and basically I developed a craving to play it. I beat the game twice in 2 difficulty settings. So something along craving would be great.

yup it has to be easy to sound and pass on.

I like crave games, although this used to be a company in the US it is defunct now. Also the domain name is not available :/ is it possible to gain ownership of it?

Somebody still owns it. Don't go there. Somebody always owns some vestige of a defunct company. Come up with a new name. Ask your lawyer -- he'll tell you I'm right.

-- Tom Sloper --

Ok I shall steer clear of used names. well i think i have a name. thank you guys.

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