This is a really interesting topic. After thinking on it a bit I found this beauty:
A Colt Third Model Dragoon Percussion Revolver. HowStuffWorks says:
The percussion cap was made possible by the discovery of a chemical compound called mercuric fulminate or fulminate of mercury. Its chemical formula is Hg(ONC)2 – it is made from mercury, nitric acid and alcohol.
Mercuric fulminate is extremely explosive, and it is shock sensitive. A sharp blow, or even too much finger pressure, can cause it to detonate. By putting a small amount of mercuric fulminate in a pre-made cap (a tiny cup about the size of a pencil eraser) and affixing the cap to a nipple and tube leading into the barrel, the cap can ignite the gunpowder in the barrel.
I think technology of this sort could be shoehorned into a fantasy setting (add in some Alchemy and some improvements for repeated fire) fairly easily. Plus it already looks a little like Dwemer tech!
As far as ballistic armor goes, I'd use brick walls, but I'm not the bravest soul.
Precisely! After all, all types of technological advancements are just waiting to be created. In the game narrative you'd just have to make this particular discovery happen a couple hundred years earlier, or so, and envision how that would affect the world at the time.
I think alchemy would be a very cool addition, perhaps giving the ability to create specialized ammunition as well?
Perhaps there's a magical theme too, which can be combined with alchemy to create magical ammunition? I don't know, there's a lot of cool liberties to take with fantasy settings, and we haven't really seen the fantasy-firearm angle done interestingly yet. I guess Fable 2 and 3 sort of tried, but it fell a bit flat to me.