
Blender just made Rendering for Games Better.

Started by August 01, 2014 02:09 AM
13 comments, last by latch 10 years, 1 month ago

Blender just added Baking in Cycles.

You can bake all data into your 3d models, including caustics! This is the one hangup I have been having with the engine I use

Now we can add photo realism to our game scenes, which will look much more AAA.

The latest version of Blender can be found here:

If you happen to already have used it for something, I would love to see some examples here.

Anyone else excited about this, or can think of any implementations of it? I will try to do something ASAP and upload here.

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.

In a few minutes (modeling included) I was able to get this result:


This is the downloaded scene from the tutorial. It is super fast too!

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.


Blender just added Baking in Cycles.
Awesome news. Cycles is a great renderer, so being able to use it for all sorts of baking tasks opens up all sorts of opportunities.

I am getting ready to work on some small scenes to upload here. I haven't actually been using Cycles, mainly because it didn't have baking, and it was previously slower. But they have also given cycles a speed boost (slow computer, so I needed that). However, I am now using a Mac too, and it is lightning fast on the mac.

Only thing is, I either have to find a small macro or make one (or maybe explore for a bit) to export all of the baked textures and the model in one action. I wonder if I could bake the textures to the vertex normals.

We will see.

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.

Why do you use that engine?

@latch, because it's free, open-source, easy to use, and has great potential.

I did the same with a Blender before it became what it is now (on and off of course). Many programs I have used over the years mostly don't get into light (although they deserved it). Hopefully this one does.

It works on all major platforms as well.

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.


You don't like the way BGE works?

I think my main issue with. Blender is that its attempt at Node based programming is very weak, and the Python API is not as clear to understand.

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.

I know what you mean with the nodes. I made a few little games with Construct2 and I couldn't see myself making anything really complex.

Regardless, I'll make one or two with nodes and one with python in the BGE just because I love Blender so much.

I can bake in reflections!


They call me the Tutorial Doctor.

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