
always deform checkbox in 3ds max destroys weighting

Started by August 07, 2014 09:26 PM
-1 comments, last by JohnnyCode 10 years, 1 month ago

Hi, I have a skin modifier applied on a mesh that has been weighted. The skin modifier has bones in it assigned. I rolled into a 0 frame of animation (still defferent from mesh without modifier), and unchecked the "always deform" in advanced parameters rollout. The mesh sliped into its original definition shape - I then checked the "always deform" back on- but nothing happens, mesh stays in its original pose and deforms during animation from tthat manner, totaly screwed up. Why? What can I do?There is no undo working with this parameter changed either.

I changed nohting between check and uncheck, I perform both at frame 0 with "reference frame" set to 0.

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