
The Week of awesome II - The competition Thread!

Started by September 22, 2014 04:00 AM
297 comments, last by slicer4ever 9 years, 11 months ago

Day 2. So I have a huge amount of respect who do this more often. This is very challenging.

I am very impressed with some of the work I have seen thus far from the other contestants. Just WOW, such talent.

Just started my WoA II blog:

So far just a post on my game idea ... cause the only coding I've done is working on dusting off and cleaning up some existing XNA stuff from another project (which my long time friend did a lot of the heavy lifting on).


Day 2: Journaly Entry

Day 2

Got some video footage in there as well :)

Day two done.

I didn't get quite as much done as I'd hoped, but I'm nevertheless happy with my progress thus far.

I'm afraid that I've fallen behind in reading the journals of my fellow competitors; I hope to catch up in the new day!


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

Slight updates from me today:



Here's my entry for day two!

I'm guilty of checking up on your progress guys. Let me tell you your games look amazing! I really look forward to several of them.

Bleh, I just discovered that I had forgotten to actually "publish" my above journal entry; that's now done, I believe.


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

Hey guys! Intensive week so far! In case anyone here is spanish speaker, you can have a look at my blog, I'll be updating it over the week.

PD: Remember, I warned you that the blog is in Spanish. :P

Have fun everyone!

My end of day 2 post:

Now to hopefully get a solid night of sleep!

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