
Looking for an artist

Started by October 04, 2014 07:38 PM
1 comment, last by StarMire 10 years ago

Hey there! Ok so I am currently developing ideas for games but I am stuck when it comes to making them happen, I have the software, the brains, and the power to do it all I just suck at art! Basically what I am asking is that someone (preferably the same age as me (16)) could do some art for me.

Here are some details about me:

I am very easy to get along with, and I have a great sense of humor. I am 16 years old, I have been working in web and game development for about 3 - 4 years and I am currently studying a developer course at college.

Here are some details on the position:

I need you to be able to draw 2D art on a computer (OR by hand but it needs to be scanned and sent via computer). Your art skills don't need to be A* but they do need to be relatively good obviously!


You will be paid however not straight away, I can only afford to pay you when the game has been released and people start to buy it. I know this is a lot to ask because the game might not sell well but I hope you can get past that thought. Games will be released on mobile and desktop as they are the most popular devices for 2D games at this current time.

Alright then, there is the information I will give on the forum post however if you wish to take me up on this offer go ahead and email me at - - Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you require any more details feel free to email me for that aswell!

Hey Eggmaster,

There's something that you'll learn, and probably very quickly... No one wants to work like they're being paid on only the promise of money after the game is released.

That's not so much that people inherently don't have faith in an idea (though sometimes that's the case), more that anyone who's been in the development scene for a while knows that so many games just don't get off the ground, no matter how hard working or good or independant the team is.

You also have to remember that you're not offering an amazing experience and resume piece to people, they're offering to help you get out of having poor art on your project. And that's fine, but don't act as if it's anything else.

That may sound negative, but it's just how it is for the former and how it comes across for the latter.

Being more positive about this, the way to fix this is simply saying "No payment". It prevents you seeming unreliable, or at fault if the game flops or never gets released, and it prevents you being able to take advantage of the artists by spouting bullhockey about higher pay in the future or whatever (though you sound like you wouldn't anyways, but try to think of it from the perspective of the person working for free). Also less legal documents and contracts this way! Which you should definitely be writing up if you're serious. ;)

Additionally, you can't recruit here-- Go post over at Yes, hobbyist. I know you have the desire to get it out commercially, but you're also not paying.

Probably also a good idea to go over the vague ideas in the game to make any artists willing to devote their time more interested in picking it up as sort of a personal project. What genre is it? Do they have the freedom to develop the art style or do you already have something in mind and just can't draw it yourself? Isometric, sidescroller, top down...? They'll be more likely to look into if what you're describing sounds interesting to them, and like something they know they'll either have fun with or do without much time or hassle put into it.

Also would be nice if you could post your portfolio (this is my sly way of telling your to start making one now if you haven't) and/or previous games you've documented or progammed on. If you have a notable function, script or base for something you've done, show it, so the artists know you can follow through, and maybe even end up with a playable prototype with their art in it that they can show on their portfolios (that's a pretty good no-money payment, btw, as long as you can follow through).

Good luck, hope you can find some artists who'll help you out!


Post in the classified section:

However, you will probably need to pay somebody, even if it's just $20. Find whatever spare change you can to make it happen.

Good luck!

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