
Want to get the barebones of a Trading Card Game running but need some help in the right direction

Started by November 20, 2014 07:14 PM
11 comments, last by Orymus3 10 years, 2 months ago

Hello everyone. I am currently making a trading card game based on the DC comics universe. I am looking for someone who can point me in the right direction to get what i want on screen and running. What i want to do is just the barebones to be able to test the game out. This is Drawing, shuffling, having a deck and player hand, putting cards on the playing table.

Just the barebones in order to test, leaving the mechanics to the user, no card rules or logic for now, as if we were playing in real life on a real table. Automated things will come in the future.

I have over 100 cards already made and making many many more at a fast pace. All the Rules are set want to be able to test to fine tune whatever needs fine tuning.I am paying attention to every little detail and everything will be tested to ensure it is balanced, strategic, and gives the players a lot of choices and of course the main thing, that it is fun to play.

I consider myself a beginner in java programming as far as experience and things I've done, but i understand the concepts and the structure. I examine and understand concepts that are needed very quickly. Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated.

Here is a mock-up I made. None of the graphics are the ones ill use.


Hello everyone. I am currently making a trading card game based on the DC comics universe.

If you take this any further than your own table DC Comics will serve you with a Cease & Desist order.

Why not spend just as much effort making the game on characters of your own design and then you won't be in a position to have your efforts wasted by lawyers? If you don't think you can make up your own characters, there are several characters in the public domain at your disposal. For example, this seems like something that would map very well to the Greek or Norse mythologies.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]


I don't plan on distributing it past close friends for now. I just want to make the project and who knows one day pitch it if it gets enough positive feedback once its in playable fashion. For now i just want to build it to test it in a very close group and see the mechanics in motion. If nothing else i want to play it myself with friends the game is something great and i would like to know how to make it. For now I just want those barebones in place.

I was trying libgdx and am able render cards on the board. But as far as how i would make a deck with these cards, shuffling, drawing, and how to feed the image and stats to a card class i'm still kind of lost.

HERE is a good free book for beginners to Java programming. Read it and do all the assignments .

You may want to start off trying to make a "text" card game such as "war" or "21" ( blackjack ) and moving up from there since you are a beginner. If you attempt to program a 2D trading card as your first project, you'll be in for a lot of headaches and frustration.

Once you get some simple games under your belt, you could move up to more complex casino games such as one of the variants of "Poker" .

In a trading card game you need to programmatically figure out all the rules to the game, and than figure out how to implement them.

Each card is nothing more than a simple object with different variables represented each aspect of the card ( attack power, defence power, magic power, current health, special abilities, and positive or negative stat effects ... e.t.c.

Each player's "deck" is nothing more than an object array that has been "shuffled" in random order .

I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thanks for the link I will go ahead and read that. As to all the logic or rules i don't want to implement them . I'll leave that to the player as if they were playing in real life with cards.

based on the DC comics universe


Here come DC's lawyers

There goes your house

There goes your wife

There goes your kids

You're homeless now

In all seriousness, make your own cards. These guys will sue you for the heck of it.

What will you make?

I'm not planning on making a full fledged game myself and selling or distributing it to the world using their characters. I just want to have it in the basic playable form, that i can test with friends / closed group. I'm planning to get into any legal trouble by distributing things with DC characters, i just want to have it done, and who knows maybe pitch it formally as an idea.

The main mechanics are great and if anything i want to have it to play with close friends. This is a game i want to play, and one i want to make.

who knows one day pitch it if it gets enough positive feedback once its in playable fashion

That's the problem, you will never get there if you start using DC characters to begin with.

To answer your programming problem, making a card game is actually pretty complex. If you haven't come up with the game mechanics yet, I would suggest to print these cards on actual paper and play it tabletop style with your friends. You can make changes as much as you want when there's no code to bind your rules with.

Once you have code involved, it could become pretty messy when adding/removing rules and card effects. Imagine a scenario where a card allows a player to draw a card from an opponent's deck, look it up, and if player decides to keep it, he can put it in his deck, or his hands, or play it immediately, if not, return in. Just think of the UI you have to build just for that to happen. Then somewhere along the line, people don't like that card, and decides to change its effect to draw a card from an opponent's deck, roll a six-sided-die, if die is >4, then you keep, otherwise you immediately play with half of its effect.

Just think about all the code you have to add and change, for a single card. And you have 100. Even pros don't want to go there.

If you just want a bare boned card system. You could try looking into things like OCTGN. I've never used it but from what i've read it sounds like what you are currently looking for.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

If you just want a bare boned card system. You could try looking into things like OCTGN. I've never used it but from what i've read it sounds like what you are currently looking for.

Will do thanks

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