
iPhone - "Popup" redirect

Started by December 03, 2014 10:43 AM
7 comments, last by CC Ricers 9 years, 9 months ago

Unfortunately I've been "blessed" with an iPhone (6).

Whenever I'm accessing via mobile connection (does not happen via WLAN) I'm redirected to some weird ad ( that pops up, wants a confirmation (javascript alert?) and I cannot access anything at gamedev at all.

The redirection happens after a few seconds, looks like it's going to which then redirects to

This makes access completely impossible.

It's a company phone so I doubt there's anything funky with the mobile data service.

Fruny: Ftagn! Ia! Ia! std::time_put_byname! Mglui naflftagn std::codecvt eY'ha-nthlei!,char,mbstate_t>

This doesn't happen to me when browsing the site on my iPhone (also 6). It could be a bad ad in the rotation, which the staff will have to look at.

Don't worry though, you aren't missing much. The "mobile" version of the site is horrible and broken itself.


What parts are broken in the mobile version?

It looks like a "mobile version" from 1998. It's basically just a scaled-down version of the desktop site with a slightly different top navigation menu. The desktop site is horribly cluttered, and the mobile site is consequently an ugly, noisy mess since all that clutter is retained. There's no attempt to introduce brevity for a more limited medium.

Content flows awkwardly and usually won't even fit on the first screenful of page, tap targets are small and fiddly, and article and forum pages (mostly article pages) tend to layout such that they only take up half the width of the screen (and cannot be zoomed with a pinch gesture).

(I suspect the last bit is because embedded images, including ads, forcibly take up a very wide amount of space since they aren't scaled down appropriately, which is why it shows up more often on articles.)

EDIT: Upon further investigation, it is just article images, the thing I thought was a non-resizing ad was just an image that looked like one at first glance, given it's placement and size in the mobile site.

It is likely all device specific.

I use the forums on an android tablet (mobile) all the time. I noticed there is a different mobile layout on my android phone using exactly the same browser.

On my tablet the site is slightly different than the main site when viewed on the PC.

On my phone the site looks quite different.

It is quite usable on the tablet for me, except for the small hitboxes on the upvote/downvote buttons. On the phone the layout is more difficult to use.

That annoying blocking ad seems to be gone. While the site is not perfect on mobile it can properly access it.

Mobile web access is inherant crap anyhow.

Fruny: Ftagn! Ia! Ia! std::time_put_byname! Mglui naflftagn std::codecvt eY'ha-nthlei!,char,mbstate_t>


I can't check right now as my iPhone (5) is broken. I've been experiencing horribly annoying redirects on as well. However it wasn't just a popup but a redirect that directly opened the iTunes store...

Just to let you know, I had the same issue with iPhone and GDNet. Fine on other sites.

I reported it a couple of times on GDNet Facebook and they kindly responded promptly and fixed it.

Just thought you might like to know it wasn't just you :)

It's funny how scripts can be more intrusive in mobile browser forums than on the forums rendered for desktop browsers.

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