
So what's everyone been up to?

Started by December 05, 2014 05:45 PM
25 comments, last by boolean 10 years, 1 month ago

It has been a long time since I've hung around these forums. I've popped in and out a few times here and there, but otherwise I've been gone for pretty much a year.

I've been learning more about Unity, GameMaker, Unreal, and even Mac development with the (now near-obsolete) Objective-C, which actually is quite a nice language once you get the hang of it!

What's everyone else been up to? I feel as though I've missed out on a lot! Anybody have any interesing projects they're working on? :)

I'm still researching and doing basic development on my 2D RPG game I posted about in my journal over a year ago. I've had many other ideas for games that would be easier to develop, but probably not as much fun! Hopefully I can get something launched within the next year though, as my ultimate goal with this is to try to make a living, or at least buy a frozen dinner. :P

My website!
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Working on my 2nd game beginning to end (1st one using my own engine):

Crealysm game & engine development:

Looking for a passionate, disciplined and structured producer? PM me


Trying to figure out why the render window doesnt display anything...

FastCall22: "I want to make the distinction that my laptop is a whore-box that connects to different network"

Blog about... stuff (GDNet, WordPress):,

I've got to the point where I do absolutely nothing lately.

Wow, that looks really cool! What did you use to write your engine?

Trying to figure out why the render window doesnt display anything...

Hopefully you got that sorted!

I've got to the point where I do absolutely nothing lately.

That's usually what I do on my days off from work. :P Unless I'm programming, then I'll likely just sit around and either think to myself or just watch old episodes of Star Trek or MacGyver on Netflix. Good shows!

My website!
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Follow me on Twitter! [twitter]jwg1991[/twitter]

Thanks. i'm using d3d (9 for now, adding 11 year) and the rest developed myself (c++). For audio I'm using FMOD.

Crealysm game & engine development:

Looking for a passionate, disciplined and structured producer? PM me


I've been working on my first game (2D) -- ttcards, a remake / clone of Triple Triad (FFVIII side game), using my own engine (C++), powered by SDL2 & libRocket for GUI.

Almost got an animation engine wrapped up for use in the game. nomlib, the engine, consumes most all the development time, of course. I've found that my true passion may lie in the engine side of things ...

I agree, cozzie's 3D Pacman looks really cool biggrin.png I wouldn't mind giving it a play.

I have been pretty damn lazy, too, as of late ... it's the time of the year, I think :] Burr, so cold ....

I've been meaning to learn Objective-C at some point ...

Welcome back! You probably don't know me because I was gone for THREE years until a couple of weeks ago. I am resurrecting my casual Puzzler with a plot, in Direct3D... Info in the journals in my signature :)

I've been meaning to learn Objective-C at some point ...

Apple are pretty much rendering it obsolete by replacing it with Swift, which honestly looks a lot better than Obj-C. Easier to learn as well, I imagine!

I think Obj-C is still supported right now, but in a few years that may not be the case anymore.

I guess you could say they're giving it a swift death *ba dum tss*

My website!
My development blog!

Follow me on Twitter! [twitter]jwg1991[/twitter]

Is there an ETA on the release date?

And I agree with YodamanJer, That looks Cool!

Never say Never, Because Never comes too soon. - ryan20fun

Disclaimer: Each post of mine is intended as an attempt of helping and/or bringing some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure you I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone.

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