
Visual C++ HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Started by January 17, 2000 01:15 PM
6 comments, last by CBD 24 years, 8 months ago
Hi, my name is Christian Davi. I am 17. I have NO programming knowledge, but I really want to learn VC++. I bought a copy of Visual C++ at a thrift shop in the neighborhood($10.00). Since I had been inspired that day(just got a new game)I though what the hell, and bought the copy in the store window. My problem is it came with only an online reference for help. Like I said I have no programming knowledge and dont know any of the C++ language. Any books for the complete newbie to teach the language? Also I was thinking about buying the standard version of VC++ 6, hoping it comes with a manual teaching the language, does it? P.S.- I am a determined person and have dreams of opening a business after college for game development. The only problem is; I WANT TO LEARN HOW TO DEVELOP THEM!
Why not buy a book that teaches you c/c++, a book for win32 and a book for directx or opengl?
That was one of my questions, "If there were any books for the complete newbie." I looked all over Amazon, but many of the books I saw really didnt give the language and were for people with previous knowledge of C(from what the customer reviews said). If you have recommendations for books for the COMPLETE newbie on C++ language please go ahead an post it.
try Al Stevens "Teach Yourself C++" that might be the whole title or it might be teach yourself C++ in 7 days or soething like that try that one

If I only had a nickle for every problem I''ve had, I wouldn''t have anymore problems, but then I guess I wouldn''t have anymore nickles either...
If I only had a nickle for every problem I''ve had, I wouldn''t have anymore problems, but then I guess I wouldn''t have anymore nickles either...
Teach Yourself C++ In 21 Days by Jessie Liberty was good for me.

Jonathan Little
The Al Stevens book is a good one for learning C++.

After you get through that, you''ll want to pick up some Windows books as well.

These two are a must...
Programming Windows by Charles Petzold
Programming Windows with MFC by jeff Prosise

As far as Visual C++ 6, it doesn''t come with any good guides, but I do recommend it if you are as serious as you sound.

Also, you didn''t mention what version of Visual C++ you have. If it''s anything less than 4.0, get the new compiler as soon as possible. You''ll need it to learn Win32 and to do anything later with DirectX.
I really have never found a book which covers everything, thats why I have like 15 book on game Programming(most for Reference), maybe Im just not good at picking book(HEHE)
quote: Original post by I-Shaolin

Also, you didn''t mention what version of Visual C++ you have.

Its VC++ 5.
Thanks to everyone that responded. I will be going on a reading rampage this week since I''m off from school. I have been reading Sams Teach Yourself Visual C++ 5 in 24 Hours at I will probably be getting VC++6 standard, because I can actually register it. The C++ I have now was registered by the previous owner. I will definitely look into the books posted thanx!

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