
Journal replies in My Content

Started by January 08, 2015 05:14 PM
3 comments, last by Brain 9 years, 8 months ago
I was just wondering how feasible it would be to have journal comments appear in My Content along with forum posts, bold when there are new replies?

I use My Content to keep track of threads I participate in, but unless I follow every journal I post in, I have no easy way to track conversations in there.

No biggie, just a thought. I'm trying to stay more active in the journals since they have gone kind of quiet compared to how they were on the old site and I thought this might help.

The Journals tab in there only seems to show my own journal, not those of others I have commented on. Perhaps I'm missing something obvious as usual :)

Hmmm, no, don't seem to find such a functionality either. Would really be useful.


...but unless I follow every journal I post in, I have no easy way to track conversations in there.

I can't speak for Mike on what's possible with the site but for now this is the only way to do it - and even that wasn't originally available

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

Okay, no worries, thanks Drew.

Just adding my "me too" to this thread, would really like this feature...

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