
Critique for my Instrumental and Demo Reel

Started by February 06, 2015 02:45 AM
1 comment, last by CCH Audio 9 years, 7 months ago

Hi! I'm new here! and as the title says I want to get critique for my instrumental and I also want to ask how many songs should be in a demo reel? Again, I'm new to the gaming industry and of course would like to get some tips, advice and learn techniques on how I should approach a song when composing for a game. Please be honest and upfront about my new instrumental and my demo reel, it would be highly appreciated smile.png (Instrumental)

Never mind about the demo reel, I made a mistake and thought it should be a playlist of songs not songs that are together in one track. So sorry for my noobie ways.

sounds cool, only gripe would be to line up the timing of some of the bells/guitar sounds if you want it to be on a actual key. if not, then nothing to worry about. the mix is cool from what I hear. (radio music instrumentals for sale) (my personal soundcloud) (my youtube page) (my facebook) (tweetar =0)


There are some mixing issues here. There flute and guitar sound like they are in different places which gives the track a disjointed feel. Overall it sounds 'tinny' to me, I would warm up that guitar with some EQing. The flute is the lead on a lot of the track and it's very piercing needs a different EQ and a different re-verb on it if not just a totally different voice. The bells sound fine to me, but I agree with 3ny6ma they're out of alignment at a few points. The composition of the piece is fine however, it's a nice relaxing gentle-beauty sound with a number of applications. It just needs to be re-mixed and mastered.

As for a demo reel you'll want it to be 1-2minutes long with as many samples & genres as you can squeeze into that time frame.

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