She is not calling for restrictions or limitations to be imposed, nor is she calling for things to be removed from shelves or banned.
And, more to the point, if calls for things being banned get enough noise and enough support that it happens then welcome to democracy and living in society; sometimes a large group decides they don't want X and so it doesn't happen.
Does it suck if it effects something you like? Sure... but that's how the world works.
However she isn't at that point and if the GG Harassment Brigade stopped making so much noise then she'd get less attention and the "problem" they have would go away... unfortunately (and predictably) this logic has escaped them so instead they try to bully people out of the way, drawing more attention to them and their message while at the same time giving Gamers a bad name.
(And yes, I believe the term 'gamer' still has relevance in a word where everyone plays games; much like Film Buffs separate themselves from the general population who watch films, so 'gamer' is a term I would argue applies to people who make games, the playing of, learning about and general enthusiasm about, even in a world where everyone plays games. Unfortunately the morons have ruined it for the rest of us and the media was quick to jump on that and missed the 'film buff' aspect of the comparison to people watching films.)
First I'm not scared of change (see pics at bottom of reply). I'm scared because you say she isn't calling for restrictions, but on her twitter (femfreq) she has made it clear she wants the damsel in distress never used again "because it is a sexist trope" and wants all developers to never use oversexualized women "because it teaches gamers to be sexist and misogynists". Yes she is critiquing games in her video, but she is calling for restrictions on her twitter account. She doesn't even allow open discussion of her points (every video she has posted have comments and ratings turned off) and if you make a counter to her claims on her twitter she blocks you. Yes she is being harassed and threatened, but the problem is that everyone blames any negative criticism, rude remarks, and hate as GamerGate.
All the coverage of GG has been only from the view of Anti-GG or those who are being targeted as unethical journalists. The three articles listed below were written by Cathy Young who, as far as I know, has been neutral:
On the second page of the second link Young says:
While it is commonly argued that feminist criticism seeks only to examine "problematic" media, not to deny anyone the right to enjoy them, the language employed by the critics often suggests otherwise. Sarkeesian says that refers to videogames depictions of women being "harmful," "dangerously irresponsible," and related to real-life negative attitudes toward women and possibly even violence.
In that quote she links to this article:
I'm fine with change, I'm not fine with censorship. I was young when Thompson wanted to censor violent games, but I was majorly pissed while I watched worrying he would win. Now I see Anita carefully crafting her critiques to call for the censorship without being obvious so of course I'm pissed again, but I'm older and able to voice it. I loved Tomb Raider and Bayonetta and think we definitely need more game heroines like that, but Anita even had a problem with Bayonetta saying she was sexist [even though the dev was a woman]. My concern is that if we ignore her that she will get a following and pull to where we end up in a Thompson-esque more blatant attempt to censor games in regards to sexism and objectification.
Am I scared of games changing? Not at all:
Guild Wars list of characters
GTA V online character:
I also play as female characters in Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Sims, etc.