build project
Title: Water World War.
Genre: RTS.
Execution: 3D.
Programming language: C # -------- engine Unity.
Online: play online and over the network.
Readiness of the project: documentation, primitive 3D model and texture units and buildings.
System Requirements: Opportunity engine.
game device
1. The main feature of the game, boats, tanks divisible by 3 ways of movement (each way to travel is unique for each race).
1.1. boats (USSR) - Moves only by water.
1.2. amphibians (USA) - hovercrafts.
1.3. subs (NCC Germans) - underwater boats that float up to the attack.
2. The battles in the game take place on the cards, which are divided on the island (which is completely sweep siege equipment).
Cards provide a variety of mountains in the water and islands.
3. On the mechanics of a game similar to Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars.