Hello all, I just graduated high school and my son was born a few weeks ago. I constantly program as a hobby in my spare time when I'm not working at this fast food joint that pays min. wage. And as you can probably imagine working min. wage and trying to afford to raise your child and support your family doesn't work out too well. We're not struggling or anything like that as of now, but it's time for me to move up in life.
I genuinely love programming, and I also genuinely hate school(Mainly the General Education classes; english, history, etc. I love math, though.). I've contemplated college, online colleges, tech. schools, etc, but I feel like I won't be able to pass the Gen. Ed. classes, so I'm not too sure about those yet. What I really want is a programming job. I don't care what it is. I just want to code something. Embedded systems, servers, games, anything(preferrable games ;)).
Now here is my major issue: I would like to consider myself a decent programmer, but I tend to favor C++ over anything else and I believe that will become a problem. I wouldn't even have a clue how to create the stuff I can using C++ in another language. I've just devoted all my time to understanding and learning it. I can create the simplest of applications in Java, C#, Visual Basic, etc, and that is pretty much it.
My question is now, how can I get a job w/o a degree and w/o knowing in depth many of the languages that are in demand right now? I've searched around everyone wants web developers from what I see on craigslist in my area. I also don't live in a big city so I don't believe there will be many programming opportunities around.