

Started by July 03, 2015 02:30 AM
29 comments, last by boolean 9 years, 3 months ago

I know this one is not strictly game dev and so it belongs to lounge. I hope there are also other game developers who do the cooking!

Actually, for anyone who also tries to cook from time to time, I wanted to ask (especially few of you who live or lived in Japan) - I tried several different recipes on ramen, plus in restaurants, but that thing tastes different each time (note that it tastes good each single time). Do you have some custom recipe for your own? I'm very curious about that!

My current blog on programming, linux and stuff -

Mostly I bake desserts. I make a mean apple pie, with a killer crust.

My fried chicken comes out good, though - but that probably is more the incredible quality of the chicken rather than any skills on my part.


I love to cook. It's winter here in NZ, so I'm all about slow cooking things at the moment.

Never cooked ramen, but I do some pretty mean yakitori and teppanyaki in summer.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

I'm an avid bread baker and have been baking for over 20 years. I'm planning on starting a YouTube channel dedicated to teaching people how to bake bread successfully as soon as I can afford a decent camera.

As far as ramen goes, I just open the package and follow the directions. unsure.png

especially few of you who live or lived in Japan

Hmm, I should be able to help with this.

for anyone who also tries to cook from time to time


L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

I do have a very good way of preparing ramen. Here is what you will need.

- 1 package of spicy ramen

- frozen vegetables

- diced onion

- vegetable oil

- coconut milk

- water


Fry onions in vegetable oil until translucent. Add water and frozen vegetables, and bring to a boil. Add the ramen and it's seasoning, and cook until the noodles are tender. It is your choice to strain the noodles. Add coconut milk, and enjoy!


Can't help with ramen.... but I have a great instant choc sponge cake recipe written in C# for you lol

using CookingInCode.Equipment;
using CookingInCode.Ingredientes;
using CookingInCode.Qualifiers;

namespace CookingInCode.Recipes.Desserts {
    public class CakeInACup : IRecipe {

        public IContainer Prepare() {
            var flour = Kitchen.Ingredients.Get(4, Units.Tablespoon, IngredientType.SelfRaisingFlour);
            var sugar = Kitchen.Ingredients.Get(4, Units.Tablespoon, IngredientType.Sugar);
            var cocoa = Kitchen.Ingredients.Get(2, Units.Tablespoon, IngredientType.CocoaPowder);
            var egg = Kitchen.Ingredients.Get(IngredientType.Egg);
            var milk = Kitchen.Ingredients.Get(3, Units.Tablespoon, IngredientType.Milk);
            var oil = Kitchen.Ingredients.Get(3, Units.Tablespoon, IngredientType.CanolaOil);
            var mug = Kitchen.Containers.Get(ContainerType.LargeMug);

            mug.Contents.Add(new [] { flour, sugar, cocoa });
            You.Prepare.Mix(mug.Contents, MixType.EvenDistribution);

            mug.Contents.Add(new [] { egg, milk, oil });
            You.Prepare.Mix(mug.Contents, MixType.SmoothPaste);

            Kitchen.Microwave.ActiveContainer = mug;
            Kitchen.Microwave.Cook(MicrowavePower.Full, Duration.Minute * 3);
            Kitchen.Microwave.ActiveContainer = null;

            return mug;

Pity most complex food I can prepare is fried egg white :/

mostates by moson?e | Embrace your burden

I usually prefer to do noodles in a SE Asian style, so generally use rice noodles, but ramen can certainly be used.

Boil water and cook the noodles till almost done and set aside. While you're doing that, heat up a wok (preferably, but a fry pan will do if you don't have one), and throw in a splash of oil and brown sauce (most Asian markets will sell this). Stir fry fresh vegetables for 3-5 minutes then toss in the noodles with fresh coriander, chili and Thai basil. Fry for another minute or so, then enjoy.

edit: I usually add some Nuoc cham with the oil and brown sauce. You can usually get this from Asian markets as well, but it's not too hard to make yourself.

What I make instead of ramen is udon noodles with chicken flavor Better Than Bullion. 1/2 jar of the bullion paste to a large pot of water and about a pound of noodles. It's actually not as good fresh as reheated after the noodles have at least a few hours to soak in the broth. The noodles get twice as big when properly soaked. I add shredded mozzarella cheese in the bowl before I reheat it. A variety of other things can be added to make it healthier - carrots, celery or peas, tomatoes, chunks of chicken, etc.

I cook all sorts of things - crock pot roasts, burritos, ricotta stuffed shells (pasta), pizza, cookies, brownies, pudding pie, bread... I do tend to go for low effort meals though, so even if something's delicious, if it took more than an hour to make (not counting when I can ignore it in the oven) then it's probably going on my "don't make again" list. Korma for example - delicious but waaaay too much work. :/

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

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