Hello Forum. I'm new here.
I am very interested in putting a design document together for a side project. Really its more of a learning experience than anything else, and I relish the opportunity to pick the brains of people that know so much about programming.
Firstly a bit of background. This will help you as a community know where i'm coming from, and where the gaps in my own knowledge might lie.
I minored in computer science in college, and at the institution, we mostly focussed on C++ and the basics of object oriented programming. It was essentiallly "Hello World" sort of stuff that quickly snowballed into inheritence, polymorphism, etc. It's been a year or two since i've gotten out of school, and I find myself having to do a lot of review. I am by no means a virtuoso or expert programmer. Just a guy who wants to learn as much as possible and will consume any learning resource presented. I am currently using Devc++.
Now to my question.
Based on the way I want this game to work, I am going to require a lot of moving UI elements inbetween more active phases of the game. I have no background in UI, and am not sure where to begin looking to fill my gaps in knowledge. From a quick google search, I only understand that the question of C++ based UI is an incredibly broad one that requires a bit of specificity on part of the person asking the question. I want to code a UI that allows for a user to quickly gauge inventory, and other game metrics, before moving on to another UI in another phase of the game. If anyone has a resource that would give me a crash course into its design and implimentation, I would be very grateful. If I am not asking the right question, I would not balk at any correction or clarification offered.