Im doing a total war-style empire builder where you fight for control of cities on a map, develop these and raise armies. Setting is near future (some light scifi features) using real world maps (one scenario is entire globe, another Europe only etc).
The scale is large and stuff is slightly abstracted. Its a global world-wide war and orwellian, hardline governments in control that employ WMD, brutal rule and slavery. I have problem finding good ideas for "buildings/projects/infrastructure" that develops your cities. The inspiration is chiefly total war/europa universalis and such games, but modern setting is a bit different...
Plz comment what i have so far and suggest more! (most buildings should be upgradable but im thinking some can simply be in the style of factory->large factory->huge factory if no unique names can be found such as church->cathedral)
City guard - allow more training of militia regiments
Military base - allows training of regular infantry regiment and allow other military buildings
"Walls" Defensive network? Forts? - gives bonus to defending units.
Turrets - acts as defending units when city defends itself
2 resources: "funds" from taxes, agriculture, logging, mining and drilling (oil/gas). "Tech" for unlocking technologies/empire-wide bonuses.
Better agriculture - Grain storage? Food mills? Harvester workshop?
... Logging - sawmills, lumberyards etc
... Mining - foundry?
... Drilling - refineries?
Port/airport/markets - funds income
Tech labs, research centers, library, university - more tech income
Allows more workers assigned to construction (new buildings) and get more production points per worker assigned
Material plant / concrete factory
Builders barracks
Allows workers to manufacture non-infantry military units.
factory (unlocks manufacturing) - builds simple vehicle and allow the following
large factory etc - more output per worker/more max workers.
land addon - (NOT a good name. Vehicle depot/plant?) allows factory to also build advanced land vehicles
naval addon (drydocks?) - allow factories to build ships
air addon - allow factories to build aircrafts
Problem is a general factory could build most things, but i want cities to specialize/invest to unlock certain units. An airfield/hangar/helipad doesnt make sense, this is not where aircrafts are constructed, only maintained/operated. What can it be called?
City "order" drops with higher taxes as well as other effects (city size, empire size, unrest from occupation etc). Too low order = problems, riots, drop in efficiency, hostile armies spawn
Entertainment - pubs, arenas, TV networks
Control - police station, mass surveillance, prisons, public execution squares
You control a central part of each former city (rather than the entierty of cities), they are largely destroyed by nuclear war etc. By constructing more buildings you "attract/get access to" more workers (you place workers and they earn you resources in the city such as within agriculture). Some buildings add workers (this is how cities "grow"):
religion - churches etc
civil - townhall? Worker barracks, slave camp etc
My question is maybe rather vague. The hard thing with these ideas for buildings is to go from a medieval/antique setting to a modern (since cities are not really as small and distinct anymore). Some fantasy stuff may work in this setting, such as forts as seen in warhammer 40K (forts have been outdated for quite some while already so not entirely realistic).
A hope to find some way to do it. Plz comment what i got so far and add your own ideas and suggestions!