
No Man's Sky

Started by August 12, 2016 02:51 AM
48 comments, last by jefferytitan 8 years, 1 month ago

Runs pretty poorly on my PC too(i7, gtx980). ~20fps in 1920x1080, ~30fps on 1360x768, with detail set in medium. Lots of people on PC have those problems. Waiting to see if that improves with time.

Well, was to be expected really. Too much hype = much probably will not live up to it.

Don't really know if this is a good thing for the dev yet. They get an awesome return on investment. Yet their brand name is tarnished with the image the game might leave behind. Which could be very bad, if the niche of people actually interested in the game as delivered turns out to be a small subset of the amount of people that bought the game based on the hype around it.


It must take so much time and provide not much in return... like, you learn a language or a skill and you have something to show for it. I love video games, but either give me stupid fun to escape for a while, or give me nothing! Don't want to trek around a virtual world for hours and hours.

It must take so much time and provide not much in return... like, you learn a language or a skill and you have something to show for it. I love video games, but either give me stupid fun to escape for a while, or give me nothing! Don't want to trek around a virtual world for hours and hours.

To be fair, there are people that like just that. They want to walking simulators, endless exploration without being interrupted by gameplay. That game will cater mostly to that (not so small) niche.

Problem was that the devs poorly communicated that it was a niche game... the fanboys hyped it to be everything everyone ever wanted and then some.

Result is many bought the game that are not into that niche, and are now complaining about it. And they are damn right, they fell victim to false advertisment. Only problem is, who to blame? AFAIK the dev never did most of the advertisment, it was done by fanboys, devs just let it happen to not interfere with the hype.

Tried it out last night. It doesn't run well on my laptop, and the control scheme is very obviously console-ish (click and hold left-mouse to activate a button, really?), but I'm still enjoying it so far. It captures that "I'm stuck on an unexplored planet by myself" feeling quite well. Early builds of Minecraft sort of gave me the same feeling.

I got it too, and my conclusions are the same as everyone else here.

I kind of expected it though, but wanted to try it out anyway, to get the feel of the atmosphere, and I love exploring in games.

It does have a nice atmosphere, and I've had some nice moments exploring caves and trying to survive when a storm hits and you've far from base.

It kind of sucks though that you can't even easily find your way back to places you have already explored, makes the game feel very much "in the moment", and reduces the exploration accomplishment feeling a bit.

If you could just activate them as a waypoint to for example find your way back to a selling terminal on a planet, or a great cave with lots of high value rare resources.

The delay on every action you take is quite annoying too, and the keyboard controls are weird...

Gameplay is very repetetive, and it feels like it wont take that many planets until you feel like you've seen it all, just get slight variations of the same thing and different combinations. (and a fire storm is not really that different from an ice storm...)

I'll probably play it some more though, when I feel like some laid back exploring, not that far into it yet.

My No Man's Sky Experience;

- Game starts in 1080p Window in the middle of my 3440*1440 monitor
- Game then does some nebula flying shit with zero feedback while I get more annoyed about windowed mode never mind the 1080p of it all
- After about 2 mins I FINALLY get control and in to the options once it has done its scripted thing
- Go in to graphics... can't select native res... can't select full screen
- Quit game (3 mins total)
- Request refund

So, nice failure there...

I've played it a bit more. There's some pretty cool moments if you are into the whole sciency aspect of discovering life forms on crazy planets. It's kind of like Star Trek in that sense. Problem is that the game was advertised as the sort of game everyone will love. It's really not for everyone, kind of like how MMORPGs aren't for everyone. I wouldn't even recommend X3 to everyone.

I'll continue with it, just because I'm curious about the tech in the game. I've heard there are more updates on the way. I really hope they add in a way to own multiple ships or something.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Just to add for the guys that didn't play, or the guys that got lucky either on technical issues, or didn't really listen much to the hype.

Angry Joe is, well, Angry for the sake of being angry, and I don't trust his reviews 100%. But he seems to be well informed and takes issue with the things I would take issue with. Which is the game not living up to the hype, and ACTUALLY the dev ITSELF hyping the game to be more than it really is:

The verdict pretty much makes sense given the amount of flak this game has gotten online. Given all the issues he points out, I will not get this game, not even for the cool technology that is built into the core of it. I also do not feel like giving a developer money that advertises a game with features ninja-removed from the game before launch.

I think part of the problem is that it got hyped like a AAA game but that Hello Games don't have AAA-level PR and marketing departments. They were perhaps not as careful over what was okay to reveal to the media as they should have been, which I think can be put down to a combination of their own inexperience and an insatiable thirst for information on the game.

Nothing I've seen has ever suggested deliberate deception or misdirection, but there were quite a few occasions where they tried to under-promise but got the wording wrong. For example, saying things like (and I paraphrase) it was "potentially possible" to meet other players when I think he meant "if we have time, there's the potential to make that possible".

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