
How to use Swift(Xcode) to write the

Started by August 21, 2016 03:52 PM
1 comment, last by Chenhao Wei 8 years, 6 months ago

How to use Swift(Xcode) to write the I have searched some information and video. My idea is using the Tiled to build a big map and import to the Swift project. Create multi-snake in the Swift code. Am I on the right track?

Btw, I am just a student and beginner using Swift to build a game. I am using Xcode 7.3 & Ios 9.3.

Thank you for giving me more advice to make it easier.

That seems, as I said in your StackExchange post, reasonable, although I wouldn't worry about implementing the Tiled map and importing it until you get the basics of the gameplay down in a simple, hard-coded box level or something. You may want to look into Apple's SpriteKit library, which can help you with the basics of getting sprites up and running and all that.


Thank you, Josh. One more question: I have watched some video on Youtube. For example "Using Tiled to build a Super Mario". But those games are using low resolution, most of the Tileset was(32*32) or (16*16). But the seems using high resolution. Does it mean using the Tiled to create a high-resolution map? eg. a map 500hight * 500width with 1pixes*1pixes.

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