
Small Game Team

Started by September 27, 2016 10:37 AM
9 comments, last by ZeldaFan555 7 years, 11 months ago

Hello all I am a young (Not Mentioning Age But Not Dumb) enthusiast in understanding how video games work rather than player and I was wondering if any other new people who would like to start game development would like to make a small team of developers to make some cool small games to get us all into this business and for fun. This has nothing to do with money so if you are looking for that you should go somewhere else. I am currently fascinated in Game Design but I understand Audio and I am currently learning the programming language python. So whatever skill you have want to have comment on here and we can all start a little team to make some cool games.

Thanks :)

-Space Sweatshop

I wouldn't mind being part of a team, i'm decent at C# programming


Hi Space Sweatshop,

That sounds like a great idea. I'd love to join your team if you'll have me.

A little bit about myself: I am 27 years old and have been programming for years (mostly VBA scripts and MATLAB computations). I've only recently become interested in game programming though. I'm currently playing around on the libgdx game development library on Java, but I do have some (very limited) experience of Python, so I'm happy to use that too. I don't have a huge amount of time to play around programming, but I can probably manage 3 - 4 hours per week. I am from Australia so that might cause some time-zone challenges for communication depending on where you're from.

Given that you sound quite new to programming, the following article would be a good read. Either of the first two suggestions (Pong or Worm/Snake) on that article would probably be a good starting goal for a new team of new programmers. Not very glamorous games I know, but it's a start :)



I'm 16, and I've been programming for a couple years now. I mostly do C# with Mongame, but I also know Java and C++. I've made a few small unpolished games, and I'm currently working on a larger, more polished game. I'd be interested in joining your group. I'm pretty decent at programming.

You also mentioned you know some stuff about audio. I'm currently trying to work on audio stuff for my current project. I'd enjoy talking to you about audio. I'd also appreciate talking to you and maybe using you as a tester.

Hi. I just released my first full game (a remake of Battle City with internet support) made in Java with LibGdx and Kryonet. Here:

I'm open for new projects and having some fun.

Good luck!

Hey Space Sweatshop!

My name is Jayce. I'm a music composer with almost 9 years of experience working with film, games, and various media projects. I have the capabilities and resources to cover any audio requirements. I would be ecstatic to join a team of enthusiastic and talented game developers. Check out some of my latest work at I hope to hear from you soon!



I might also be interested, despite a busy schedule this semester. I'm a computer sci major in collage and have been doing some hobbies game development on my own now for a few years. I never finished a sizable game, but I think sometimes I bite off just a little more than I can chew as a solo developer. Here's a link to my current project which uses libgdx/kryo It's suppose to be a survival horror set with rpg elements set in the arctic, but I wouldn't even call it a game yet.

I would like to finish the project I'm working on now but I'm also interested in starting a new project and working with a team!

Hope to hear soon!

Hello, Im interested on that, I don't have high skills on coding or designig, my area is most part marketing, and project management, Im really organized, lot of free time, and overall I love when things are working fine. So if you are interested in any of those skills let me know :), Im also in touch with people who can support small-medium projects (talking about money).

I would be interested in joining a team and I am experienced. I could help teach you and other young members basics and help push ideas with creative mindset. Message me on this site if you would like to talk more.

I'm a college student in the U.S. studying computer science, but I've recently decided to try my luck with the video game dev field and have brought some talented friends together to begin a series of projects to see where it may take us. I've worked with Python, Java, C, C++, and some hardware languages, so I've got the concepts down pretty well, but I've never quite dabbled in game engines or studios just yet. I'm also a musician and I plan to make music full-time later on in life (but that's another story) and I'm very familiar with music theory concepts and I've played around here and there with some music notation/production softwares (but only the free ones because I can't afford much). I'd love to be a part of this team and see where things may go and I'll do my best to be available here and there as I juggle my work and school. If you managed to read this far into this novel, then message me here or at if you're interested in my participation.

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