
How would Trump influence foreign game devs?

Started by November 09, 2016 07:20 AM
12 comments, last by Promit 7 years, 10 months ago

This is just something I have been thinking about in the last days since it seems that Trump will win the election.

I know he wants to keep the money inside the US and make it harder for trade across the border (?)

Will this have any effect for developers that live in other countries though, like in the EU? I am thinking mostly when it comes to revenue from sites like Steam, iTunes and Google Play etc. Many countries have some kind of agreement so that the US does not withdraw 30% tax or something. Could things like this be removed?

Anyone have any insight into this?

Australian here. Yes, we have a tax treaty with the USA, so that we don't have to pay the IRS as well as the ATO. Steam reports their cut to the IRS (~30%), and we report our cut (~70%) to the ATO.
If we haven't filled out form W8-BEN (or if the treaty was cancelled), then Steam only gives us 70% of our cut, and withholds 30% to the IRS (meaning we'd get 70% of 70%, or 49% of the retail price, and then also pay up to 30% tax on that 49% to the ATO, meaning we'd get as low as 34% of steam's retail price...).

I don't know what the US stands to gain by making doing business with Australia harder, so I wouldn't expect any President to rip up that treaty... But yes, that would harm our industry as the US is a major market.
We would likely get around it by registering our companies in Delaware and paying zero tax to the IRS anyway :P -- Part of the reason for these treaties is actually to crack down on tax avoidance by sharing information between nations.

FWIW though, conservative parties always say what the working man wants to hear, then do their best to protect the interests of the ruling class while expanding the under-class, which includes undermining the stability of the working class... So yeah, this ain't gonna happen. Despite what anyone said during the campaign, expect life for the middle/lower classes to remain just as unstable as before, if not become more unstable... and expect offshoring of manufacturing, corportate tax evasion, etc to continue...

However, the markets have reacted very negatively to this result... The Australian stock market was devalued by something like $50B today!
If our economy crashes more than the US economy (or the US actually strengthens... ha!), then that's good for game developers here, as our earnings in USD become more valuable.
If our economy crashes less than the US economy (or we strengthen), then that's very bad for us, as suddenly our USD earnings are not as valuable.

When the US went into recession due to the 2007 crisis, Australia was actually just fine thanks to good economic management here (unlike Europe, ouch, bye Greece)... Which meant that suddenly our USD earnings were only worth something like 60% of what they used to be worth. This was apocalyptic for our games industry. Every single AAA developer that I can think of closed down during that period and thousands of jobs were lost.

So here's hoping that the markets are wrong, and a trump presidency is actually good for the US economy (ha!)...

US Dollar will fall down... Bad news for Euro.
"Recursion is the first step towards madness." - "Skegg?ld, Skálm?ld, Skildir ro Klofnir!"
Direct3D 12 quick reference:
It's not a problem. You have to pay VAT in Europe (the closest thing in US jargon would be "sales tax" except it's a much bigger fraud and country-wide).

Who pays for it? Surely not the game developer.

So... if (note: "if") the USA come up with a special tax for foreign products, it will just mean that the US citizens will have to pay a little more.

The British pound with their election (labour) surprise and their Brexit surprise can celebrate it's equality with the US Dollar value since the Trump surprise. It will be interesting to see if the Yuan as a global currency will receive more of a push. I will be interested to see how games companies who price differently for each region will adapt to match this in some new way.

US Dollar will fall down... Bad news for Euro.

Sounds like getting my new Laptop from Origin PC gets cheaper :D


It's actually pretty good for Steam devs, anyway. Lower tax (supposedly) and all that. I seem to make the most money from Western Europe, so maybe devs will look into region locking keys/decreasing prices in European regions. Who knows.

Generally expectations are blown sky high during election years, so as in the past, odds are nothing will change.

Personally, this gamedev is going to refuse to set foot in the USA while that... thing... is in power...

... which I guess is good news for the 'anyone but those from the USA should fuck off' people who voted for him?

US Dollar will fall down... Bad news for Euro.

The Euro isnt pegged to the USD, they float seperatly from each other, so the USD dropping shoulnd't have a dramatic effect on the Euro. Just means EU and EU produced goods got more expensive for USians.

Worked on titles: CMR:DiRT2, DiRT 3, DiRT: Showdown, GRID 2, theHunter, theHunter: Primal, Mad Max, Watch Dogs: Legion

It's not a problem. You have to pay VAT in Europe (the closest thing in US jargon would be "sales tax" except it's a much bigger fraud and country-wide).

Who pays for it? Surely not the game developer.

So... if (note: "if") the USA come up with a special tax for foreign products, it will just mean that the US citizens will have to pay a little more.

or they will buy the cheaper USA made games.

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