here the code I used using D3D11 to take a screenshot :
CImage CDirect3D11RenderWindow::ScreenShot() const
// Get the back buffer.
ID3D11Texture2D* BackBuffer;
m_SwapChain->GetBuffer( 0, __uuidof( ID3D11Texture2D ), reinterpret_cast< LPVOID* >( &BackBuffer ) );
// Set the staging desc.
D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC StagingDesc;
BackBuffer->GetDesc( &StagingDesc );
StagingDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_STAGING;
StagingDesc.BindFlags = 0;
StagingDesc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ;
// Create the back buffer staging texture.
ID3D11Texture2D* BackBufferStaging;
CDirect3D11Device::GetDevice()->CreateTexture2D( &StagingDesc, nullptr, &BackBufferStaging );
// Copy back buffer to back buffer staging.
CDirect3D11Device::GetDeviceContext()->CopyResource( BackBufferStaging, BackBuffer );
// Get the size of the window.
UInt32 Width, Height;
GetSize( &Width, &Height );
// Image data.
UInt8* ImageData = new UInt8[ Width * Height * 4 ];
// Create the image.
CDirect3D11Device::GetDeviceContext()->Map( BackBufferStaging, 0, D3D11_MAP_READ, 0, &Map );
UInt8* BackBufferData = static_cast< UInt8* >( Map.pData );
UInt8* ImageDataPtr = &ImageData[ 0 ];
for( UInt32 y = 0; y < Height; ++y )
for( UInt32 x = 0; x < Width; ++x )
ImageDataPtr[ 4 * x + 0 ] = BackBufferData[ 4 * x + 0 ];
ImageDataPtr[ 4 * x + 1 ] = BackBufferData[ 4 * x + 1 ];
ImageDataPtr[ 4 * x + 2 ] = BackBufferData[ 4 * x + 2 ];
ImageDataPtr[ 4 * x + 3 ] = 255;
BackBufferData += Map.RowPitch;
ImageDataPtr += Width * 4;
CDirect3D11Device::GetDeviceContext()->Unmap( BackBufferStaging, 0 );
// Release the backbuffer staging.
// Create the image.
CImage Image;
Image.Create( Width, Height, ImageData );
// Return the image.
return Image;
I'm not well experienced actually in D3D12 but from what I saw, the read back is different than D3D11.
Is it possible to have informations about how to convert for D3D12 correctly ?